Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Changing Go Battle League Ranks and Titles?

By now, the Go Battle League in Pokémon Go is standardized as a way of measuring the skill levels of Trainers and allowing them to qualify for the World Championship Series for said game. With that being the case, its rank progression is hardly in need of a change. But supposing that it does need changes, specifically in regard to ranks and titles for those ranks, what would be good changes for it? There are obviously many options that can be taken, some radical and others less so, but I'd like to (and can only) discuss a few of them that I've crafted for their pros and cons as well as feasibility.

Option #1: Distribute titles equally to all ranks

My first proposal is to take the existing titles and four others (say, Novice, Great, Ultra, and Master) and distribute these across groups of three ranks each, creating rank classes of three ranks each among the 24 existing ranks. This is certainly partially inspired by Pokémon Unite, whose rank progressions are executed similarly. Doing this, however, would make the existing titles in higher ranks "lose their luster", so to speak, and progression requirements and rewards would certainly have to be changed to accommodate these classes. As such, this is a radical proposal that in all likelihood may be hard to implement.

Option #2: Distribute titles to groups of lower ranks

This proposal would attempt to retain the ranking status quo as much as possible, but still adding titles and creating classes. "Novice" could be for ranks 1-4, "Challenger" could be for ranks 5-9, "Great" could be for ranks 10-14, "Ultra" could be for ranks 15-19, and "Master" could be for rank 20. The last of these continues the inspiration from Pokémon Unite, as it is the rank where ratings are issued in that game, and here as well. Doing so allows the upper ranks to keep their titles, and the progressions and rewards don't have to be changed. This ought to be relatively easier to implement.

Option #3: Add Rank 25, shift existing rank titles

A lesser proposal would be to keep everything below rank 21 the same, but adding one more rank as Rank 25. All current high-level titles (Ace, Veteran, Expert, and Legend) would move upwards one rank and rank 21 would be called the "Master" rank. The progressions would also have to be changed to accommodate as well. The changes may appear to be smaller, but the implications may be just as great, so this could be a potential open question for its possibility of implementation and acceptance, especially with other options.

Option #4: Create special rank classes, maximum of four ranks in each class 

What this proposal includes is similar to Option #2 but more varied. Rank 1 could remain without a title for those who don't play, followed by "Novice" (2-4), "Rival" (5-8), "Challenger" (9-12), "Great" (13-16), "Ultra" (17-19), and the rest follows Option #2. It is not as radical as Option #1 yet more so than Option #2, and has additional, greater inspiration from Silph Arena. Given this fact, the implementation may be difficult with the required changes, but could still become worthy of consideration.

Ultimately, any changes that may be applied to the rank structure, including the provision of titles, remains in the hands of "the powers that be", especially given how GBL is a practical standard at present. Changing standards isn't impossible but isn't quite probable either, especially if changing them means radically transforming a lot of things. But if they're (deemed as) essential as organizing the ranks and giving them titles, then the way might just be cleared for those possibilities to turn into reality. 

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