Friday, March 17, 2023

Tools for Solving Pokémon Go Problems... and Life Problems?

Lately, a few friends and I - actually, mostly on my end - have found ourselves "waxing philosophical" about matters of Pokémon Go as well as matters of life. Specifically, the two are interrelated by way of tools (or even methods) that may be used to solve problems; in a concrete and realistic sense, they may be used to solve problems related to the game, but in an abstract and philosophical sense, they may be applicable for solving everyday life problems. This might be considered an odd relationship, but it's fascinating to consider, and that is why I've chosen to write about that.

The methods for restarting Pokémon Go, as I've detailed the other day, are considered to be tied into this. They have some weight in making the game run as intended, on a concrete level. At a more abstract level, it might mean for some people that sometimes one may have to take a step back - or even walk in place - before going on ahead to proceed. The two situations of the game not proceeding and life not proceeding are indeed tough situations for anyone, but for us, there's no reason to not think that a "restart" can help to deal with them somehow to make them proceed as they should.

Although not part of Pokémon Go per se, the next tool or method has a fair bit of relevance. In Silph Arena Factions, if there are any issues that arise in the battles, one can opt to file a dispute in order to resolve them - and in fact, the Arena Referees, a select dedicated group of Trainers chosen to maintain order in the competition, often dictate Trainers to do exactly that. Other Trainers and I sometimes wonder if only we can do the same with all our other issues in life and let the relevant "referees" arrive on a fair decision regarding them. Even so, that may still have been realized in ways that may not be immediately apparent to us.

Back to Pokémon Go proper, Elite TMs have been around for some time and are known for their powerful capabilities of manual and special move selection for different Pokémon. It's an indispensable tool at times, which makes it fair for Trainers like me and others to make the abstract consideration of other things in life that might accomplish the exact same objectives, though certainly in different contexts. Some picking and choosing is still necessary in life, and it may be fair to hope the process would be like that for an Elite TM.

Quite a bit of the considerations above are somewhat abstract, but that is what philosophy is for - the considering of life according to certain ways. And for many Trainers at the moment, much of their ways may be defined by Pokémon Go and the things that revolve around it or are involved within it. It would then be a small wonder that we'd start to tie in its happenings to life in general and wonder about it in that way, with the hope that life issues can resolve themselves in similar ways as the game issues.

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