Sunday, March 5, 2023

Cosplay: Daisuki! Japan Fest x ICGP Regionals 2023

Ash: It's back!!

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["All right!"]

Me: Yes! After "missing the boat" three years ago, this convention is finally able to "set sail" once again, and as we talked yesterday, you're going to it with your special journey outfit.

Goh: This must be extremely fascinating! Tell me more.

Me: OK, so this convention is the biggest thing in my local area. It has everything that, say, Utsuru has and more.

Ash: Yeah! You wouldn't believe it. I've been sent here for many years, and there's always something to see.

Me: Not only that, you're here to connect with character friends and my friends as usual. And like four years ago, the convention partnered up with ICGP to find great character performances so they can then show their stuff in other places, even overseas.

Goh: Wow! That must make this convention popular.

Me: Well, it's already popular for a lot of different things, but that makes it more so. But all right, enough talk. How were things over there?

Ash: It was just like I remembered it four years ago! The booths, stands, goodies, food, and entertainment - everything!

Me: It remains in the same place, so I'm sure you remember a lot of things.

Goh: Tell me how things are usually like.

Ash: The goodies and food are outside, but the booths and entertainment are inside this big dome - it's like a battle stadium!

Goh: That is such a great place for a convention! You should be able to see everything.

Me: Actually, you might be able to do that more in the upper reaches, since the booths cover up the lower parts. Anyway, I've actually also put you on special assignment for this one, although some of them might turn out in different ways.

Pikachu: Pika? ["Hmm?"]

Me: The first special assignment is that I need your help in preserving the moment.

Ash: Oh, I know, for a video like that one time!

Me: Yeah, you got it. I've detailed the cues that you need to record and I trust that you can do that.

Ash: I did! But, yeah, like you said, there were a few things I changed because I couldn't make them exactly as you wanted.

Me: That's fine. We can work our magic later on when I make it presentable. 

Goh: They always do need some work.

Me: That is very true. Now, the second special assignment involves some special people.

Ash: Hey, it's Otaku Band! And... I'M SINGING WITH THEM AGAIN!

Goh: Wow!!

Ash: But... I guess I slipped a little...?

Me: Oh, um, hmm. There's a time and place for everything, it seems.

Ash: One of your friends had it recorded.

Me: Thanks. I'll deal with the gory details later. And the third special assignment is that I want you to capture as many members of the Tyrogue family as possible. It's a tall order with other things going on today, but just do what you can.

Ash: That happened! I got a lot of Hitmontop too, but only 30 or so. None were Shiny.

Me: That's OK. It's better than nothing. Well, aside from those three special assignments, your usual assignment is to participate in the competitions, for which this one only has the character parade competition, which was the intent of the preview yesterday.

Goh: That should have gone great at the least.

Ash: It did! But there were only four winners from 150 characters, and...

Goh: weren't one of them.

Pikachu: Pika. ["Yes."]

Me: 150 characters are a lot for this kind of thing and four winners are too few for that. The judges must have had trouble deciding.

Ash: I did see one who looked like that was happening.

Me: So, what else is new? (both rhetorically and realistically)

Ash: The other entertainment was the usual. I've seen them in places you send me to here and there. And the big character competition wasn't as big this time.

Goh: How many participated?

Ash: Only three teams. But they all won something. One won best outfit, another won best character, and the last was the big champion.

Me: That seems to be more fair and equitable. Too bad we have little chance.

Ash: Um, but I heard this is the last time they'll have the character competition and... this is the last time for it... ever?

Pikachu: Chu... [dejected]

Me: I've heard of this too. I wish I could make further heads and tails of it before I say something more, but I haven't been able.

Goh: I understand how uncertain you feel. But I guess maybe, just maybe, someday we'll all look back at this not for what went wrong, but for what we enjoyed.

Ash: Goh could be right.

Pikachu: Pi pika. ["Could be."]

Me: That sounds like something I've read about before. Anyway, we'll take it in stride, and tomorrow's another day.

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