Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Tournament: Arcaviary Tournament - Ionic Cup

While the team tournament for Silph Arena was progressing for me, so was another tournament utilizing the Silph Arena toolkit. This one was an individual tournament that is the continuation of the tournament from the previous month, but this time certainly with the theme for this month, Ionic. I chose to participate in order to keep my PvP game, and it seems some my fellow Faction members had the right idea, as they were also in this tournament. It was exactly for that reason I participated (or was goaded to) in the previous edition, because it served to prepare me for my Factions dealings.

As with the previous edition, this tournament was held remotely, started Sunday the week before, and ended just this past Sunday. The scale of the tournament was no different either; it started with 91 participants and retained almost everyone, with only one participant dropping out after the first round. One other participant even didn't check in and thus didn't participate, which may have meant different things. Aside from my fellow Faction members, I spotted many familiar names from the previous tournament as well as in local regional PvP in general, which means that everyone had the same idea.

Though I had the same idea of participating as last time, the results were not any different (or even, any better). Over the seven rounds, I only won two of them, one of them with a 3-0 sweep and the other with a 2-1 lead. The rest of the rounds I lost, three of them trailing 1-2  ("stealing a win" from the opponent) and two of them having been swept 0-3. It's somewhat alarming, as it is a drop from the performance in the previous tournament, and it may indicate that I have not been "enlightened" enough in some respects - yet I am in Factions and do possess an important role for which "enlightenment" is practically needed.

One thing that may have driven most everyone to stay in the tournament for all of its rounds is an incentive for doing so: those who stayed were included in a giveaway for something special that is currently present in Pokémon Go and would need to be paid otherwise. Even so, I wasn't aware of the drawing for that giveaway, and I may have missed a couple of social media "hoops" - in addition to participating here - for it, which has never been a strength of mine. Nor are some Pokémon things, even though I still try to get involved in them (and this is tending toward a digression).

Progress in individual tournaments on Silph Arena continues, as does progress in Factions, the latter of which may be said to be my most major involvement at present. Whether the former may help or hinder me in the latter seems to be an open question for my case, however, given the subpar performance from last time and a further dip this time around. As the answer may not be that definitive, it may serve me well to just continue on the PvP path and let the answer define itself wherever it may do so, whether it's in individual tournaments like this one or my continued progress in Factions.

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