Monday, February 20, 2023

Tournament: Arcaviary Tournament - Naiad Cup

Meanwhile, going back to the Pokémon Go tournament scene, there is one that I participated in and just ended, which means that I have to discuss its results for me and how I personally ended up. "Arcaviary" is a series of inter-group national tournaments with its own schedule for things, but still closely following the Silph Arena season. In this case, it uses the Naiad themed cup for this month; last month, the series actually held a tournament for the Ember themed cup, but it was a live tournament in a somewhat faraway place, which doesn't jive with my schedule, making it impossible for me to attend and participate.

This one, however, was a remote tournament, and I could thus stand to participate in it. Actually, I was somewhat pushed to participate for my own good, and this will become relevant very soon - though I digress. Anyhow, this tournament had a massive number of participants (90), although the final tally came to 86 as four participants had to drop for certain reasons. As with some previous tournaments, the one-day-one-round format was in place and so were the "no-show" rules, having started Sunday last week and having wrapped up Sunday yesterday at 9 PM through a grand total of seven rounds.

With that many participants in the tournament, the possibility of more disputes occurring increases, and indeed, a few were filed during the progression of the tournament. Some of the battles in some of the matches were disputed, and rulings were then made to repeat the battles or to let the results stand, after which the results were reported. As for "no-show" Trainers, the rules were not invoked directly, but rather indirectly, as a few Trainers found themselves in certain situations where they absolutely couldn't battle even within the 24 hours of a round, forcing them to forfeit the match. I got paired up with one such Trainer and received the windfall from such a situation.

As for the rest of the rounds, I flunked most of them and only salvaged the last two. The second and fourth rounds were a shutout for me, while I only managed to steal 1 win each in the first and fifth - which meant the third round involved the forfeit situation as above. With the forfeit win, I had three wins and finished 27th from the bottom as well as fourth from the bottom among those with three wins, sandwiched between a masterful Trainer who had to forfeit some rounds and someone who will prove to be a crucial ally soon enough. The turnaround in the last two rounds was effectively helped by an "enlightening" that will also likely assist for other tournaments beyond this one.

It seems that there might be a glimmer of hope for improving my results in Pokémon Go tournaments, if the last two rounds of this one are of any indication. And in a way, the improvement has to occur as such, as the digression that I mentioned above becomes pertinent to this situation. For now, I can consider this tournament as a part of my current introspection as the greater world (literally - as part of the digression above) of Pokémon Go tournaments unfolds before my very eyes.

One year ago: Show Goes On, and On, and On...
Two years ago: Pokémon Go Tour: Kanto
Three years ago: Living with My Buddy
Four years ago: Poké-Tourism
Five years ago: Pokémon "Cover Songs"
Six years ago: Venice and Alto Mare

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