Saturday, February 4, 2023

Distilling TCGO-TCGL Matters

One last TCG matter I wish to discuss before moving to other Pokémon things is the "shoehorning" of the FAQ for the TCGO-TCGL transition. As noted yesterday in my preliminary discussion for the TCGL, there will be some efforts for moving (that is, migrating) from TCGO to TCGL, and the FAQ page details that... perhaps in a bit too much detail for some people. For the benefit of those people - and myself, who prefer to keep things as simple as possible (but no simpler) - I've attempted to "distill" the FAQ page to the most important issues. In doing so, I came up with four of them.

The first issue regards the launch of the new TCGL platform. What is certain is that the TCGO will be retired and shut down (again, "sunsetted") before the TCGL launches definitively, some time after the March 1 development cutoff. Any cards launched after that cutoff will surely only be supported by the TCGL and require it to play virtually. Even so, some cards will already have been given the TCGL branding and will need it, unless TCGO has support for it as well; the task is to redeem the card pack codes where they are applicable - and TCGL will support TCGO redeem codes, but some of the items that can be gotten may differ. In any case, TCGL is where everything is headed for the eventual migration.

Migration, of course, is in order once TCGL comes out from its current beta. Even then, the platform is now playable, and players can opt to migrate immediately and leave TCGO completely behind (not advised if players still have duties to fulfill on it, like Team Challenge), or to keep separate data that will then be merged with migrated TCGO data when they choose to or when the beta ends. Once migration is demanded (by the retirement of the TCGO), logging in to TCGL by the Pokémon Trainer Club login will allow the process to be initiated. This process may have a potential cutoff date ("deadline"), but as of now, there is the freedom in doing so whenever, while still knowing that it has to be done somehow.

Yet, migration has its limits. Unique regular cards are limited to four copies, certain special function cards are limited to one copy, and generic basic Energy cards are limited to 59 copies, while accessories are limited to one copy each. Some other cards from old expansions and accessories, as well as avatar items, in-game currency, and the friend list also will not transfer; unopened packs and bundles will be converted to the new Crystal currency (unless they're opened now in TCGO), and deck lists will need to be manually exported. Other old expansions that migrate also will only be playable later on with updates. Evidently, players will still have some work to do to make sure things migrate as intended.

Lastly, there are the principles or reasons regarding the update to TCGL. The update is truly intended to be an "evolution" for the platform as well as for its accessibility and the addition of new features. The intent of retiring (sunsetting) of TCGO before launching TCGL is to make sure that the migration as above occurs smoothly for all players of concern, allowing them to have the same experience then and now. This update also marks an important shift in development, from being outsourced to Dire Wolf Digital to become an in-house product, though the former will still support the code cards. Given that 10 years have elapsed since the launch of TCGO, major strides really need to be made.

While most of the specific details still need reference to the FAQ, the above explanation and "distillation" should cover most of the important bases and need-to-know things for players to be able to make informed decisions. The matters are still kind of complex - perhaps not as complex as the core TCG gameplay, but still complex regardless - yet they need to be understood in some capacity now if not later. And "later" is when the time for the TCGL comes to shine, certainly and hopefully with what players can bring over from the TCGO if applicable as its luster starts to fade away.

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