Friday, February 10, 2023

New Intricacies of the Battle Pass

Recently, the Battle Pass feature and its associated rewards in Pokémon Unite received some major revamps. I wrote about their "intricacies" nearly a year ago, and while a lot of them still continue to apply, there are also quite a few that no longer apply, though this is mostly for the better. Therefore, I find that I have to take a post to write about what has and hasn't changed, and how that works out for players in going through the Battle Pass.

There are still missions to be completed in order to raise the level of the Battle Pass, with only a few differences. Near the end of Battle Pass periods, there are now also a number of "special" missions that allow the earning of points at the last moment. Some of the missions of any period are now marked as "premium" missions that require the actual purchase of the Battle Pass to be completed as an incentive. Most importantly, now once a mission is completed, the points are automatically claimed, which means players no longer have to worry about claiming points and can just deal with completing the missions, at least the ones that they can devote effort for.

Regarding the Battle Pass level, now there are more than 60 of them; they can go as high as 200, for those who are really dedicated. Around half of them are still freely available, while the rest require purchasing the Battle Pass, especially those beyond level 100, which are only given after 10 levels; the reward content is also more or less the same, though there are new rewards like the "Emblem Box" that rewards a Pokémon emblem of a certain rarity. Because of the expanded level structure, the Prize Box that used to be gotten for excess points from completing missions has effectively been retired in favor of these greater rewards for those very dedicated players.

The purchasing of the Battle Pass is evidently still present and necessary in order to obtain rewards as above, whether the "basic" Battle Pass or the "expanded" Battle Pass with the main incentive of starting out a number of levels ahead. The latter, however, is only available for a period of time at the beginning of the Battle Pass period, after which it becomes unobtainable and players can only settle for obtaining the "basic" Battle Pass without the extra number of levels. This of course just becomes a simple incentive to get the "expanded" Battle Pass early on should one consider that progress in the middle might be affected, with the extra Gems being paid to sidestep that.

Much has gone on with the Battle Pass feature in Pokémon Unite since the early days of Pokémon Unite, but surprisingly (or not), its core model and premise has continued to stay the same. Still, the expansions and additions as above have led to some new "intricacies" being thrown in, and that's just something that players will have to figure out in order to make them work with whatever way they they play Unite.

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