Saturday, February 18, 2023

Follow-up for the NADWPKMN YouTube Channel

Also last year, I detailed a few things that I planned for the YouTube channel that accompanies this blog. They are the things that would pave the way for improving the channel and this blog as a result. Even with not much going on for this channel in terms of videos over the past year, things have happened, and thus as with last year for some Pokémon happenings, I thought I'd make a follow-up post specifically for the YouTube channel based on those plans.

If last year I said that my channel was rudimentary, this time it's a bit more fleshed out. I took the plunge and verified myself, which allowed me to gain access to custom thumbnails (something really needed) and livestreams (something that may be needed later). As for a shorter channel link, lo and behold, that came sooner than expected. YouTube introduced Handles, a feature for quickly referring to and mentioning creators, with the side effect of simple URLs with them as well; I've set my Handle as @NADWPKMN, and with it, the channel can be found at a shorter and simpler link as well. These are all virtuous changes.

Meanwhile, I haven't gotten around to dealing with "money matters" for the channel since I haven't prepared myself for it. A different kind of "money matter" may also describe the progress of obtaining equipment for expanding the channel, as it becomes the primary constraint for more. Even so, I did obtain a Nintendo Switch, which is vital for primary Pokémon affairs, and it has evidently led to a bevy of blog posts for the pertinent games on it, and the same may be expected for further videos on the YouTube channel. It will still take some waiting, as with any YouTube video, but the direction remains toward "more".

Then there's the assistance aspect. Though I hadn't mentioned it in my writeup, the fourth episode on the YouTube channel was the first one to be realized with assistance, partially evident because I wasn't controlling the camera somehow in the outdoors. The friend who I had asked for assistance (and happens to be the "sounding board" for this blog as well) also gave ideas for editing, which I then executed as best as I possibly could with the tools that I have. It will likely not be the only time assistance will be involved, and it may manifest in different forms for different videos as things progress on the YouTube channel.

Pokémon happenings continue to occur beyond the confines of my blog and its YouTube channel, and it has become my task of capturing them in my blog, possibly expanding them in the YouTube channel. To that end, the plans that I detailed last year have proven to be a fruitful guidance on the development of everything, with many of them fulfilled as above. They may then follow up with loads of impressive Pokémon content on two ends.

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