Saturday, February 11, 2023

Looking Into Unite's "Regular" Events

In playing Pokémon Unite, players will have noticed that the events there are divided into featured events and daily events. More astute players will note that some events in the latter category recur rather frequently, making them apt to be described as "regular" events. For this post, I want to take a look at those "regular" events, explore their characteristics, and gain insights for and from going through them.

One of those "regular" events is the Daily Missions event, which consists of four tasks: logging in, taking part in a battle, winning a battle, and taking part in a Quick battle. These tasks are renewed each day and can be completed and claimed accordingly. In the past, the very last task wasn't present, but it was added at some point, perhaps to increase interest in Quick matches. In fact, that may be all that is needed, as winning a Quick match completes all of the above tasks (including the necessitated login) in one shot. What may be gained from the event is that adept players shouldn't forget about Quick matches and that all players should try to log in as often as possible, even every day.

The next "regular" event is the Score Challenge event, which recurs on weekends, specifically Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. On each of those days, players are demanded to score specific point totals (100 on Saturday and Sunday, 50 on Monday); the type of battle doesn't matter, as long as that many points are scored somehow. Doing so to complete the tasks before each day turns over rewards certain items, one significant item being the Energy Boost Tank that is rewarded on Sunday, which is a boon for those who like to exchange Energy into emblems or whatever they may need. The recurrence of the event as well as its rewards may seem understated, but it's just as regular as the previously discussed event above.

After the above, there is a loosely defined group of regular events that, for a lack of a better term, I call "super training" events. Two instances of these events are "Intense Battle Training" and "Assist Crash Course". The specific event contents vary depending on the event, but in general, these are multi-day affairs that demand the completion of certain tasks (and be rewarded accordingly), particularly if they contain individual daily login tasks. Although it could be possible to complete some of the events even just within a single day - which may be the case if they happen to involve "accumulators" - it would be in better form (and more doable for others) to complete them over multiple days as they are intended to be.

Regularity could be described as a vital part of Pokémon Unite, with different parts of the game suggesting or necessitating that the game be played regularly. Such could also be considered appropriate for describing some of its daily events that recur at a "regular" frequency, contributing to regular gameplay behaviors. At that point, it's just a matter of players making work or working the game for results that are beyond "regular".

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Four years ago: A Pidove Keychain
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Six years ago: LINE Pokémon Stickers

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