Thursday, February 23, 2023

You're Everything... I Like You

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'cause you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
-- "Because You Loved Me", Celine Dion

Something that may be said about fans of Pokémon is that they consider it to be a support for them in many ways, perhaps even "lifesaving" in certain senses. In the same way, Trainers and their Pokémon in this world may consider themselves to support each other mutually. This situation, for me, is evocative of a certain song, the chorus of which is quoted above. I had thought about it somewhat earlier, but I decided to write about it closer to Pokémon Day, and this is the best day I could find to do it.

Like many of the songs sung by this artist, the song primarily involves a reference to romantic love. All the qualities that are mentioned in the song apply perfectly to a person whom one might have feelings for and reciprocally. They're all the things that empower, enliven, and energize a person to continue to maintain a relationship with another, with love as the background reason. Ultimately, the person is who the person is, becoming characterized because of the (romantic) attraction.

For fans, they may feel that Pokémon possesses all those qualities, especially if they regard that Pokémon has a "lifesaving" aspect about it, influencing their entire lives like any sort of human romance. For Trainers and their Pokémon, they may state that as partners, they feel the same way about each other according to the qualities mentioned in the song, as the Trainers encourage their Pokémon and their Pokémon encourage them. In either case, they become all that they can be, because of each other.

That seems to be a poignant message for anyone of concern - including me - as they can then say that Pokémon makes their lives what they are, hoping to do the same in reverse. Even if that can't happen yet, being brought together with (or perhaps even by) Pokémon is still something to be regarded as it shapes the fibers of their being. It's an appropriate message for any time for Pokémon fans, but it seems especially appropriate to be brought up near the occasion of Pokémon Day even now.

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