Wednesday, February 8, 2023

A Clash of Realms on Go Tour

Moving on from PvP happenings in Pokémon Go, there is an event happening that needs to be discussed (as in previous years). That would of course be Pokémon Go Tour, which happens at or nearing the end of this month. The theme is also already evident - the Hoenn region - as divulged early on in the current season. Those who played the original games will have noticed the overarching theme in the plot: a conflict between two teams and the Legendary Pokémon they promote - in other words, a clash of realms between them. This upcoming Pokémon Go Tour may be considered to embody that... perhaps in more ways than one.

Through the happenings of previous years, much of the event can easily be discerned. Trainers are to pick one of two versions (Ruby, Sapphire) and they'll embark on a task-filled journey featuring many of the Pokémon species from Hoenn to discover all their wonderful forms (including Shiny ones) and decide which realm reigns supreme - the land or the sea. That would mean the involvement of the two main Legendary Pokémon, Kyogre and Groudon, and they are certain to be involved, bigger and more ancient than ever in Pokémon Go. That should already be a massive hint, but the details are more massive as yet and need to wait.

A clash of realms may also be described to occur in its structure, as in the Live vs. Global dynamic. This time, the prime highlight is the Live (in-person) version, which will take place on February 18 and 19 solely in Las Vegas and is already sold out for both days. Those who buy the event tickets and take part there will get to experience everything before everyone else does on February 25 and 26 (which also has implications for me like last year - but I digress). It's a big change, and yet it may leave some wondering which one is the "main" edition, although the prime quality of payment will have already made things obvious.

Speaking of payment, while attendees of the Live event version will have spent big bucks on the event and going there, it seems that those who can't do so and can only stand to participate in the Global event version will only (need to) spend a more meager amount for the best experience, at least for the more exclusive features of the event. This does play into the paid vs. unpaid dynamic, becoming another "clash of realms" on the issue. If my experience (and those of others) last year is of any indication, it may be that everything has been restructured accordingly, especially with the conception of the Live event as above.

In two to three weeks, the clash of realms that is Pokémon Go Tour: Hoenn will play out on the overworld map, through Trainer interactions, and (for those who are lucky and royal enough) at the Live event site in Las Vegas. It's something that seems to bring several different dynamics into play as above, and therefore the "clash of realms" appears to be able to manifest itself in different ways and with many factors. Regardless, at the end of everything, there is still a glimmer of unity with what Pokémon offers when the clashes have settled down. And that is something that hardly needs to be clashed about.

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