Sunday, February 5, 2023

Pokémon Go Community Day, 2/5/2023

Me: And... welcome back to another edition of Community Day. This time it's just a regular one, though the Pokémon for today could be considered irregular in a number of ways.

Goh: And you're sending Ash again. That's a little irregular, considering how most of the time you're just yourself for this.

Me: Well, there may be some particular reasons, but we'll get to that in a bit.

Ash: I'm just happy I can go! Pikachu too.

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["Of course!"]

Me: All right, so today, you're in for a treat. The featured Pokémon for today is... Noibat!

Ash: Wow! I caught a Noibat when I was in Kalos, and then it evolved into a Noivern. This should be fun!

Me: Make sure you evolve it today, because the exclusive move for it is Boomburst, which is very powerful.

Goh: That's a very nice move for it.

Me: As for the rest, you ought to know the drill. Today we have tripled Stardust as the main bonus, which means using a Star Piece is important when possible. Then we have doubled Candy, increased Candy XL chance, extended Lure Modules and Incense, and Noibat popping up from pictures. Oh, there are the trade bonuses too - discounts and extra Special Trades.

Goh: All of those already seem standard, don't they? Like from the last time we talked about it?

Me: Aside from the changing main bonus, yeah, you could say that. Also, Ash, I've set you up with Professor Willow to complete a few paid tasks. Later on, you might see Noibat in Level 4 raids... but I'm sure by then not many will be interested and you should have already caught all the Noibat that you need. Try to open lots of Gifts so you can get the special stickers too.

Ash: Got it.

Me: So then, how did the day turn out? Also, I know Noibat is from Kalos, but I've sent you with your Sinnoh outfit since I didn't want to break out another outfit.

Ash: That's fine. OK, so you sent me to a park, and... oh, I was here a long time ago, not just for Piplup but to do something else. But it was great to see many people there - even your friends! The park looks so great for Community Day now.

Me: Luckily, you're just here for Noibat, so you only had to focus on that. And the "looking great" part is due to a few of my other friends, who really got things set up here.

Ash: I was given some goodies from them like last year, and they look great. I got together with Professor Willow just like you told me, and we worked on tasks called "Abundant Noise". And I caught lots of Noibat, but they needed... 400 Candy to evolve??

Me: Yes, some Pokémon are like that, and some of them get featured in Community Day.

Goh: That's very steep. Were you able to get the Candy?

Ash: I did! But I know my friend, he doesn't like to let things go to waste. So I just evolved the best one you already had and the best Shiny one, and saved the rest of Candy.

Me: A friend tells me they aren't used much to battle other Trainers, so that's just fine. I might need the Candy for different things anyhow. How good was the Shiny one?

Ash: It wasn't just good, it was the best!

Ash told me the Noibat looked like this.

Goh: Wow!!

Me: Oh my! Thank you! This is only the second one I've gotten, after the one for Bulbasaur just last year. But other people could have gotten the same, could they?

Ash: This appeared from a Lure Module, so two other people got the same as I did. One person got it from a task instead.

Goh: Different people really can have different results.

Ash: But we all still had a great time!

Goh: This one must have been at the beginning.

Ash: And this one was at the end.

Pikachu: Pika! ["Yeah!"]

Ash: I even connected with new people up until I got back to you. That was great too.

Me: And that's what it's all about. There is something else local somewhere else that I could have sent you today, but it wouldn't be for a great time, and in fact, that would have been proven anyway. Luckily, there is this, so here you go.

Ash: I understand. I thought that might be why you sent me and not just yourself.

Me: Yet that's who we are known for, even outside of typical circumstances where I'd send you.

Goh: It's so great how people like us can be connected through Pokémon.

Me: That's very true even for everyone in those two pictures. Anyhow, this has been a real noisemaker of a day with the featured Pokémon.

Ash: You could say that! 

Me: After a bit of quiet time, we should be able to make noise again wherever I send you. Be ready!

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