Sunday, February 26, 2023

Eleventh Cosplay Anniversary - (Part of) My World

Another year has passed, and it's time for my cosplay anniversary once again - the day I formally started to cosplay - which would be the eleventh one this year. This time, I've decided to discuss the topic of where cosplay fits in my world of interests, which obviously does include Pokémon as a part of it... or even greater, as will be discussed shortly. It's also important to discuss this as events and conventions are beginning to pick up once again with almost the same intensity as before, but so are Pokémon things, and that may raise a few issues.

For very astute readers and observers, they'll have noticed that for general intents and purposes, Pokémon has a priority in my world, if not making up almost its entirety. It's something I mentioned in a somewhat old podcast as well as clearly on the very first post of this blog. What happens is that the situation becomes reflected in all the things that I'm involved in, and as expected, that includes cosplay. In effect, Pokémon dictates or determines what things I'm involved in and sometimes how far I'm involved in them.

Back to my cosplay, it may be considered as a "realm" or a "sub-world" that I'm interested in as part of my greater Pokémon world, rather than constituting my greater world. For the greater part of 11 years, that has been pretty much the case, with cosplay mostly involving Pokémon cosplay rather than cosplay of anything else (though there has been little bits of those over the years). This situation fits my general Pokémon interests, more so than my being involved in cosplay generally for anything else beyond Pokémon.

In fact, today I was slightly caught in the quagmire of whether to send Ash (that is, to cosplay) or just be myself for today for Pokémon Go Tour, given that a certain happening is or was actually occurring (though not too important as far as I'm concerned). In the end, I just chose to be myself, and so did a few of my other character (cosplayer) friends, as we chose to partake in another matter of interest and Pokémon Go Tour additionally in my case. This highlights that now I may be willing to gloss over cosplay for certain Pokémon happenings.

Even so, on this occasion of my cosplay anniversary, I'd still like to say that it still makes (a part of) my Pokémon world in any case, even if it's not the primary thing in that world as might be otherwise suggested by my frequent attendance of events and conventions. After over a decade, I still want to be where the character people (cosplayers) are, yet I still want to pursue other Pokémon interests as well. They're both desires or longings that I possess and continue to do so as I make Pokémon and related activities the parts that make up my whole world.

Happy eleventh cosplay anniversary to me.

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