Sunday, March 19, 2023

Cosplay: Culture Festival

Me: All right, this one is a bit different yet it's all the same.

Goh: "Culture Festival". So we're going to see different people doing different things.

Ash: Like me!

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["And me!"]

Me: You can say that. But this time, Ash is doing things differently. For a start, you're here just for the singing competition.

Goh: Oh, like that one time for a festival event you questioned.

Me: In fact, the same people organize this one. But as we've seen, I think they've learned a thing or two, so it's also fine.

Ash: Well, if it works.

Me: For reasons you'll discover, the character parade will be prohibitive for us. And besides... I need to save a bit of money anyway.

Goh: Seems like you've got a strategy.

Me: And that strategy is... "Soko ni Sora ga Aru Kara" for Ash.

Ash: OK, Hoenn outfit then!

Me: You got this. Now, you were there, so tell me how things went.

Ash: It was in restaurant! There was a festival a long time ago that was like that.

Goh: Looks like it was memorable.

Me: It was one of the early times I sent Ash, so that's definite. Still, it was before I started this blog, so by now the memories are few.

Ash: Oh yeah, the festival was in two parts! The first part was singing and outfit competitions for other people. But the second part was for us and everyone else.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu. ["That was nice."]

Me: Fascinating. I hope you were entertained... but you didn't forget to deal with some of my other Pokémon business during that time?

Ash: Don't worry, I took care of them. But the results might not have turned out the way you'd like...

Goh: What were they about?

Ash: Pokémon battles! They were exciting too.

Me: That's fine. Some of it is beyond our control. Other parts... well, I'm responsible for those. I'll have the write-up for them soon. But enough about that. How did you do in the singing competition?

Ash: I think I did great! But I wasn't one of the three winners.

Me: Hmm. Oh well. Maybe it wasn't meant to be.

Pikachu: Pi, pika chu. ["Hmm, maybe so."]

Goh: I would love to have known what the judges thought.

Ash: I would too!

Me: They used to do this, but it takes too much time.

Goh: Yeah, I see what you mean. Maybe it's not for us to know.

Me: And even though I didn't put you in it... how was the character parade?

Ash: They gave a lot of time for everyone! But there were a lot of characters too. Maybe they should have called everyone way earlier.

Goh: I wonder why they didn't.

Ash: It was the last thing before they called the winners.

Goh: That's different from this schedule I found.

Me: It seems they bought time but didn't make time. It further affirms that it was a good call I didn't put you in.

Ash: I saw your friend from last time judging.

Me: That is precisely the main reason why I didn't put you in.

Ash: But they did invite everyone to join in for the group photo - so I joined!

Me: That's nice. The opportunity for that is quite rare.

Goh: What was the entertainment like?

Ash: Just dance groups and swordplay. And there were a few singers - one of them is a guest star of the festival.

Goh: The swordplay one should have been exciting.

Ash: It was! The swords were fake - they can't have real ones - but it was fun!

Me: No, there was an incident once. After that, they can't have it.

Goh: And that's how laws are made.

Me: So, thoughts overall.

Ash: They did a great job! A lot of people came and they had fun too.

Goh: Would you repeat it all over?

Ash: Yeah! Maybe we can do better too.

Me: Great! But you'll have to wait, since most everyone will be in rest mode for at least a month - but there's still the possibility of sending you to little things, and perhaps we can have a "Let's Talk" as well. 

Goh: A month! That's a long break, but that can be good too.

Ash: I can use the break.

Me: There you go. OK, so you two go and do what you need to do, and we'll see what happens in the month. We can meet again whenever.

Ash: OK, see you!

Pikachu: Pika chu pika! ["See you then!"]

One year ago: Pokémon of Overlapping Roles?
Three years ago: No Sight, No Mind
Five years ago: PokéTerminology
Six years ago: Cosplay Hair

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