Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Yes, Even More Pokémon Stickers

As I've mentioned in my previous post about stickers, I love them because not only can they be cheaply gotten from wherever I get them, but also they are memorable enough in regard to the occasion. If I'm lucky, sometimes they're also uniquely designed, and that just so happens to be the case for a pack of Pokémon stickers that I got from the most recent event or convention.

A few things make this pack of stickers unique. The stickers are on the small side, being about 1.5 inches (4 cm) wide, but the fact that I was able to get six of them in one pack is awesome, which means I wasn't limited to one or a couple of images. Another is that the stickers are quite glittery; the printed images have a special coating that makes them sparkle when held up to the light and moved around. This latter quality is one that I only occasionally see when it comes to stickers.

Then there are the images themselves. I got three kinds of Poké Balls (sorry, an Ultra Ball wasn't able to be found, but I did get a different ball instead) and three different Pokémon. The Poké Balls themselves are shown with the front perspective, which is OK and typical. The Pokémon, which are Charmander, Pikachu, and Togepi, are drawn in a style not unlike that found in some children's books, so that becomes something else unique about them.

I quite like these stickers, although like the previous packs, I haven't decided if and where I will stick them. Regardless, these are still pretty nice and sufficiently unique for Pokémon stickers, which makes me glad that I got them. The event or convention wasn't as sparkling as I had wished it to be, but it was still sparkling enough in different ways, including with these stickers, making them a perfect memento.

One year ago: Every Day We're Shufflin'

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