Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Poké Ball Classics Merchandise Line

By the same circumstances as the last time I discussed two new Pokémon Center merchandise lines at that time, I recently found out about another new line. That line is called the Poké Ball Classics line, and this one is quite remarkable. It's advertised as a way to "look sharp" for a meeting or battle, which will become obvious as I explain. I find this line appealing, which is why it's the focus of this post.

The reason why it's called the Poké Ball Classics is because all the items feature the distinct motif of a Poké Ball on all of its items. What are those items? They include a bag, shirt, tie, and scarf; in short, they're items that someone wears or uses when going to the office to work. Now it's obvious why this line was advertised the way it was, for these items are supposed to be things that can accompany or form the basis of office wear. It's fancy, and yet it's evocative and expressive of Pokémon.

The most interesting item in this line for me personally is the tie with the Poké Ball motif. I've always imagined that one day I can have and wear a tie with some sort of Pokémon motif, and this is an answer to that. It looks sleek, and because it's predominantly black and it's often said that black goes with everything, I can see it complement whatever fashion I choose. The Poké Balls are subtle and makes the tie what it is. If I could get only one item, I would choose this one.

A couple of the other items also deserve some mention and discussion. A shoulder bag that is part of the line is all black with a cover containing the Poké Ball motif and a red accent. It looks almost like the bag of the fifth-generation male protagonist Trainer, which is neat. The line also includes a Fossil watch that is distinctively adorned with the Poké Ball motif in the background. I'm not quite fond of fancy watches, but this one appeals at least a little bit because of the Pokémon relationship. I'd have to personally consider getting either of these, though I personally prefer the former.

This merchandise line is playfully serious. It's playful because of its links to Pokémon, and it's also serious because it really could be incorporated into office wear. Someone who works at an office always needs to look best, and if that person happens to enjoy Pokémon as well, I suppose items from this merchandise will help with that. I wouldn't mind getting a piece of the action as well if I ever have the chance to purchase or obtain items from this line.

One year ago: Yes, Even More Pokémon Stickers
Two years ago: Every Day We're Shufflin'

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