Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The State of Nominations, Part 19

Meanwhile, as usual after two months, there is the chronicle of my efforts in that time to expand the overworld of Pokémon Go by putting in my PokéStop contributions. This series of posts has gone on for a long time, almost as far back as my history of making them, and while the efforts may be described as tangential to what Pokémon Go involves, I would also describe them as "integrated" because it happens while I play, and it will and does affect what happens in the future. For now, the present is what matters.

Starting out with the numbers on Niantic Wayfarer, I've had the chance to make only one nomination recently; even so, In Queue nominations have decreased by 3 to 18. In Voting nominations have also decreased by 4 to 12 as well, indicating that the nominations are indeed progressing. Fortunately, I've had 4 more of them accepted to total 72; unfortunately, I've also had 3 of them not accepted, making the number 64. Duplicate nominations are also still at 11; this should remain the case unless something unusual happens. To date, I also had to Appeal 4 nominations, and this last matter presents a unique challenge for the present.

The challenge is that I seem to have encountered further limits. The four appealed nominations are all that I've been able to appeal, and none have been resolved thus far. As a result, I've had to let rejected nominations stay as such - though I could always make a new nomination (effectively a renomination) to use up one of my many possible slots instead. Another limit is that there is an apparent certain distance at which point I'm unable to make a nomination, and yet I've found one that is just somewhat out of town. For this nomination, I may have to make it the old way, at or near the spot.

As for my own counts, I have 28 active nominations, 2 renominations, and the 4 appeals as above; the "limbo" status of appeals have forced me to keep track of them separately. The 72 approvals are a given, while the 31 rejected nominations are as usual kept track independently from Wayfarer's practice. For superseded nominations, I gained 1, bringing the total to 17. This last bit was because someone else nominated the same place I nominated, and this was accepted instead. It's bittersweet, but it's at least a PokéStop now, and this represents how my tracking practices differ from Wayfarer and continues to deserve a separate mention.

Because of the (current) two-month gap between each update, the very next update will of course be in January of next year, and judging from what happened since then, there's still some significance to be had. Yet what has to be the greatest significance is still the cause (to increase the number of PokéStops) and the effect (allowing more freedom to play, not just for me but other Trainers as well). That has to apply well to both the present and the future, for which Pokémon (Go) is always concerned with.

Two years ago: The Catch Cup of GBL
Five years ago: The Words of a Pikachu

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