Monday, November 7, 2022

Quickies: Feeling (and Healing) Like a Snorlax (Again)

Today, it seems the only thing I can do is to go to sleep, and then when the time is right, consume nibbles of things before going back to sleep again. It's a story that repeats itself, and it has to do with the Pokémon that's a big dozer in and of itself, Snorlax. I am once again necessitated to do all the things that Snorlax does in order that I can move away from doing just Snorlax things to doing all kinds of Pokémon things, which at the moment are not as feasible as before. It also partly has to do with fatigue, something that may seem imperceptible to the Pokémon but is very much perceptible for me.

I'm a person, and like it or not, there are limits to what and how much I can do before fatigue sets in and I can't do much more, at least at that moment. At that point, all I can do would be all that Snorlax does, which would be to eat and to sleep. These are the things that Snorlax seems to never feel fatigued for, even if the food sources from where Snorlax gets its fill might take a bit of time and/or effort to get to; it seems that its eating and sleeping pattern eliminates any fatigue that is perceived. Of course, if Snorlax belongs to an active Trainer and it's being used in battles a lot, then all bets are off and more conventional Pokémon healing methods would be necessary.

It seems, though, that is the most important aspect: healing. Snorlax has its characteristic method for that, by eating and sleeping, but I can take the example for when I really need it. It's the simplest thing that the Pokémon and people can do for that purpose. While sometimes more advanced or sophisticated methods might be necessary in place or in addition to the above, eating and sleeping are conceivably the most basic things that can be done for both people and Pokémon alike. At least, it's something that Snorlax is almost nearly fully dependent on, and it works well for it - it's something that I can take up as well.

Now, I think I've got more eating and sleeping (like a Snorlax) to do.

One year ago: From Games to...
Three years ago: (Out of) the Mainstream

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