Wednesday, November 16, 2022

To Cart or To Download?

The topic I'm about to discuss in this post is one that I've long avoided discussion on this blog since I've always thought that the topic was more general in nature, and general answers can be sought that apply not just to Pokémon but other games as well. However, in light of the preparation ahead of the Scarlet and Violet games, I've finally decided that there are relevant and significant answers that are truly specific to Pokémon in relation to the topic. That topic concerns whether to buy and play games as cartridges or digital downloads, something that is possible with modern Nintendo consoles and certainly for Pokémon games.

As with other games on Nintendo consoles, specifically portable ones, Pokémon games have had the shared history of being available on and played from cartridges, and they still do for quite a few of the ones on the Nintendo Switch. The thing about these cartridges is that they really do make one feel like one owns the games, instead of just having a copy of the data. Their "physical integrity" factor is helpful in some respects, especially for the Pokémon main series games today with their significant sizes. Going back to that shared history, they are also helpful with keeping the way that things have been done, which may just work well.

Meanwhile, digital downloads came about with modernism in console technology, and something needs to be said for that new form of "extreme convenience", especially if that comes along with dedication for specific series, which does include Pokémon in that regard. Keeping things together with digital downloads - including the convenience and dedication - may just be an easier thing, even if all or at least a part of the management lies with keeping the data together; it also may not take much to get a good collection going, and for a Pokémon fan, much can be said and attested about that, even beyond the realm of game management.

Personally, I prefer to keep the main series games together (that is, keep their integrity) with cartridges, since they're vital parts of my Pokémon experiences and explorations. I'm also inclined to get other significant Pokémon games on cartridges for that reason, as well as for the sake of posterity. For all other games, I'm fine with just having digital downloads, especially if that's their only form and they present easier ways of management that way. I suppose that for me, a big part of either approach is the flexibility that is afforded by each of the respective approaches, and this might be something that other Pokémon fans might agree on.

Ultimately, the answer to the above duality and the associated question that is posed in the title of this post may depend on what one may find to work the best for them, especially given how Pokémon games have had their ways in either situation. Preparation, too, is still necessary in either case to make the best of things and allow for their maintenance, just like how preparation is also tantamount to being necessary before getting new games such as the soon-to-be-released Scarlet and Violet games. After that, no matter what approach is used to own and play them, the Pokémon journey ought to face the same twists and turns.

One year ago: Connectivity
Four years ago: The Detective Goes Live!!

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