Sunday, November 13, 2022

Evaluating Elite Raids in Their EX Raid Places

Today, there was another run of Elite Raids in the same fashion as before, with the same particulars (I participated in one and just missed out on a second). With the way that they occur, though, I want to discuss the capacity they occur in, particularly given that they appear in EX Raid Gyms and similarly to them as well. I had already discussed about that before briefly, and now I feel that the discussion could be expanded to consider how they measure up to the EX Raids that have been familiar for longer but now are absent for a long time as well.

By now, it seems that the mechanism for Elite Raids are pretty much set. They appear in EX Raid Gyms, and they similarly take a long to hatch but a short time to battle. It's fascinating that they also do resemble their raid brethren in looks. Yet despite their characteristic similarities, these new raids can never - or not really - be called the same as their brethren; they're just too fundamentally different for that. At the same time, it might be more apt to consider them in other ways in their relationship.

Elite Raids, in one way, might be considered to be "supplementary", at least at present. For as long as EX Raids are absent, it may be that Trainers will keep seeing Elite Raids in some form, becoming a simple substitute for them but one that works well. They're not as complicated, have Pokémon that are of similar stature, and work with currently active pass systems instead of having to reactivate the EX Raid Pass system. They're all pluses and/or conveniences, and they make Elite Raids an easy supplement until EX Raids can return.

When that happens, what may need to be figured out is how to make Elite Raids a "complement" to whatever happens in EX Raids, including their scheduling. The raid boss of Elite Raids could be made something more benign but not too benign (for example, Genesect with a certain drive). They may also be made not to appear where EX Raids are slated to appear and can appear elsewhere normally. Otherwise, the execution might simply follow as they are executed today.

However one looks at them, it's hard to separate Elite Raids from EX Raids due to their similarities of setting, execution, and involvement. The capacity of the former, though, remains vastly different to that of the latter just because they don't work in exactly the same way. Still, it may be simpler to assume that they are as close as they can ever get to EX Raids presently, up until whenever that can happen once again as they did. After that, they may then go through a whirlwind of considerations to settle their places once again with the former.

Two years ago: The Spirit of Brothers
Five years ago: Cosplay Assistants

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