Friday, November 11, 2022

Changing Deliveries in Café Remix

Back in August, I wrote up a post on the Delivery function of Pokémon Café Remix, detailing what it is and what can be gained out of it. Lo and behold, two months later for its "update anniversary" celebration, the latter completely changed, rendering my previous explanation of that obsolete. I've had some time to re-experience the newly updated Delivery function, and now I'd like to write about it again to resolve the obsolescence.

The rewards - the things that are gained out of it - are of course the main point of this change. Gone are Tarts, kitchen notes, Pokémon cookies, and outfit materials (something that one previously needed to collect several of to make certain Pokémon outfits). Instead, now one can only earn friendship boosts for any non-event Pokémon, the three outfits that used to need the outfit materials, and any current special "five-star outfits". On the first time earning any of these, the Pokémon will join the staff or the outfit is earned; subsequent earnings will instead boost what is called the "outfit grade" of the Pokémon in question, allowing the Pokémon to have greater abilities during an order (puzzle).

All other aspects of the Delivery feature remain the same, including the technical exchange aspects (only now, one earns Delivery points once a Pokémon is hired and its outfit grade is at maximum). The removal of outfit material rewards also prompts their conversion into the relevant outfits, with a certain outfit grade as necessary. Certain Pokémon cookies can now also be manually purchased with Milestone Cookies in a special cookie shop accessible from the main screen, but the prices are rather steep. Finally, the other two former rewards are expected to be available through events and other means.

Meanwhile, all my previous tips also remain applicable, even more so since this represents a "clean slate". For anyone who doesn't have the Pokémon hired, it becomes an opportunity to get them right away, and for those who do, it would be time to increase all their outfit grades. Like before, it remains best to be judicious when to go for multiple deliveries at once, like now when there are very special outfits to be gained. After that, it may be worth pacing for the rewards until they can all be gained.

It is evident that the latest change to the Delivery function in Café Remix is a radical one, with most rewards being thrown out for a focus on hiring Pokémon and enhancing their outfit (grades). Yet that seems like a good new goal to work toward, and so the feature is never obsolete, even if previous rewards at this point are.

One year ago: Wingull Place Mat
Two years ago: PokéJournalists
Three years ago: A Story of Bands

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