Sunday, November 20, 2022

Cosplay: ChibiCon 2022

Me: So, Ash, I've been sending you for years to a number of local events and conventions, and there's been many of the latter that should be called or branded as such but never seems to be.

Goh: But this one has "Con" in it!

Me: Well, I'm pleased to say that this one has actually branded itself as a convention. Or rather, it rebranded; this is the one I sent you to nearly three years ago that couldn't continue due to awful things in past years... until today.

Ash: Awesome! Now we can say you actually sent me to one!

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Nice job!"]

Me: Yeah, but just like last time, it happens somewhat far away, so you'd need to prepare for that.

Goh: Hey, you're OK with that, right?

Me: Don't worry, it won't be like two weeks ago. You'll be just fine this time.

Ash: All right! On it as usual.

Me: OK, what can you tell me about things?

Ash: It's little (chibi), but it was big! And it's in the same place before everything happened!

Me: Well, you can say it's a reunion, then.

Goh: So this is a convention - it must have a lot of booths then.

Ash: It did. And I got a lot of things for you to take a look at.

Me: Great! I'll take care of that when I'm able. And now that you're more able, it's the character parade for you. How was that?

Ash: It was great to be able to be in it again! But there were 70 characters in it, with me.

Goh: Wow! That's a lot. They must have tried to speed it up.

Ash: They did. Everyone was limited to just a few seconds. It was real quick that way.

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["Speedy!"]

Ash: But, uh... I stepped on someone as I did my thing. Or we tripped on each other.

Goh: Ouch! That must have messed you up a bit.

Ash: I guess I did. Sorry.

Me: You know, things happen. Don't worry about it. How'd you do?

Ash: The judges didn't pick me, and there were others they could have picked but didn't, and I thought they would get it.

Me: Oh, "lottery effect", I see. Also no need to worry. Let's just try for next time.

Goh: Yeah. There's a little too much luck involved when there's that many.

Ash: Oh yeah! I met the person who made everything come together - your friend, the chief. We talked for a bit on how that happened.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu. ["We had a good talk."]

Me: Oh, nice! What did you get out of him?

Ash: He said that it was the first time they tried an actual convention, like a "creator market" kind of thing.

Goh: First time! There must have been some problems.

Ash: While we talked, there was a report on a booth that lost electric power.

Goh: Maybe the character parade could be said to have problems too.

Ash: Maybe. Oh, I also got this rock-paper-scissors game ticket thing, and you had to challenge other people with it. But I had "paper", so I was a little nervous of someone else winning with "scissors" against me and getting my ticket.

Goh: You had only one?

Ash: Yeah, just that.

Goh: No wonder. I would think some other people were also nervous for the same reason. If you had one of each, or you just played it as usual but the tickets were neutral, maybe more people would have challenged you or otherwise. 

Ash: Yeah, that should have been how it worked, shouldn't it? Oh yeah, some people also said they had a hard time finding booths and the solution would be to label them.

Goh: Like aisles in a grocery store!

Me: You're not far off. Usually it might be something like letter and number combinations, like "C4".

Ash: But it still felt like the somber one from last month - only more fun this time, and it was very good.

Me: That should be an excellent point.

Ash: He also said the original idea - the one from three years ago - was to make this the "pre-show" to the other big convention that was canceled. But this idea works just as well.

Me: Speaking of, I did order a ticket ahead of time for you for that big one, but they said it can be exchanged for a free entry into this. Did you do that?

Ash: Yeah! Thanks for the free entry.

Me: Well, if the big one happens again, we'll just buy another ticket for that. Pure and simple. And by the way, you must have gotten a little tired walking around like I usually tell you to do.

Goh: Don't you think?

Ash: Yeah, I did.

Me: Next time this "creator market" happens, we're going to try something radical, and it might not be as tiring. Still, I think you had a good day.

Ash: I did, even though I had to leave a little bit early for you.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["A bit early."]

Me: Sorry about that. Lots of business going on. But thank you - and we'll work on that something radical for next time.

Ash: My pleasure! I can't wait for that!

Goh: This should be interesting.

Four years ago: A Raid Group Gathering

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