Tuesday, November 20, 2018

A Raid Group Gathering

The members of my raid group often meet for raids, which is a given, considering that's the main purpose of this group. But we don't often seem to meet... to gather, socialize, and do things that may or may not involve raids all at once, and the last time that happened was when the group celebrated its first anniversary last July. On that note, a gathering was scheduled today, taking advantage of this day, which happens to be an off day for most people. And so the gathering was on.

The agenda for today's gathering involved the announcement of winners and awarding of prizes for a previous raid competition and challenge, which I didn't participate in due to other constraints. But to increase the incentive for the gathering, there was also an on-the-spot challenge for everyone that came, which I consider to be in lieu of that other challenge. And of course, there was the other objective as above. Though there was nothing too special about this day specifically, many contributed food and drinks, so it evoked the previous anniversary gathering.

Since the gathering took place next to the Gym that is the original EX Raid Gym in the area, it was natural that the activities would involve that Gym. Actually, just as the gathering was about to start, there was an opportune Giratina raid in that Gym, which led to many raiding the Gym to start the festivities. It is almost assured that those who raided the Gym today will earn EX Raid passes sometime this week. From then on, it was onward with the rest of the gathering.

The gathering started off with some introductions, then it was on to the on-the-spot challenge. The challenge was to subdivide those who came into teams of five players, have them raid a specific Gym in the area, capture the Pokémon, and come back with everyone in tow, like a race; the winner was determined by which team came back the earliest and with all of the team members capturing the Pokémon. I was part of the "Totodile" team, and we raided a Level 3 raid in a Gym just off the area, which was for an Alolan Raichu. Remarkably, all of the members in my team captured it and made it back just in time to take second place, though I was the slowest to come back.

Team Totodile took second place! (I'm second from right.)

And then there was the announcement of the winners for the previous challenge, as well as the awarding of prizes for all the challenges, including the on-the-spot one for today. This made things fun and celebratory. The gathering was finished off with more eating and drinking, as well as some interactions, including a certain special one. After that, it was back to business as usual.

This gathering has proven to be quite successful. At the least it should show that the members of my raid group are also interested in gathering en masse in addition to small groups for certain raids in certain areas. In fact, plans are in the works for another gathering, perhaps next month, before some people have to go somewhere for other matters. I surely want to take part regardless, if it means it could be as festive as today.

One year ago: On Cosplay Props and Prop Makers

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