Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Varied Hues of PokéStops

Lately, there's been an interesting phenomenon in Pokémon Go. The PokéStops that are usually of one color or hue has been able to take on different colors or hues. Even with that, these elements have been able to be demonstrated to take on different hues depending on certain situations. Those hues and those situations deserve to be highlighted in some capacity, and that becomes the point of this post.

Usually, PokéStops are blue (actually, closer to cyan) in color. When they are spun, they turn a distinct shade of hot pink to indicate that status; this gradually fades back to the original color, letting the Trainer know they can be spun again. With the advent of Team Go Rocket since a few years back, they gain another color: black, to indicate the presence of one of their members there - though this is only as they are approached, as they look normal otherwise or has a dark gradient cube from far away. It becomes clear that the elements are already equipped to handle different hues.

Meanwhile, more recently, PokéStops had been able to "dress up" for Halloween (in line with the event), turning a shade of pumpkin orange during the run of the event. It's admittedly a nice touch, but it may be a visibility issue for some people; it is hard on the eyes to an extent. Then there was them turning golden yellow post Community Day along with a soon-to-be established connection between Pokémon Go and the upcoming Scarlet and Violet games; for now, some golden PokéStops that still remain are a taste of what's to come.

Could it be possible for PokéStops to turn other colors? Since the framework is already there, this isn't hard to conceive. For the upcoming holiday season, it could be conceivable that PokéStops will turn red for its traditional event to go with the theme. Some months down the line, a spring event might allow them to turn green, again with a suitable theme. There are way more possibilities than there is space in this post to detail them, but the two above are the most prominent possibilities.

The ability of PokéStops now being able to turn different colors from the basic blue or cyan is indeed something neat to point out. It means that they are able to possess not only indicative abilities but also decorative abilities, given what has happened above and what could happen later on. It might not be such a stretch to imagine that one day, PokéStops could turn into every color or hue imaginable under the rainbow.

Two years ago: The Beautiful Game(s)?
Four years ago: A Raid Dream

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