Monday, November 14, 2022

Tunnels of My Heart

Some places in the world of Pokémon are known for the presence of tunnels that connect one place to another. These tunnels might be simple and straightforward, or they might be complex and multifaceted. But what seems even more important is that they don't just connect places, but they also connect hearts - including mine - to the greater world. They become something to explore in both regards.

Hoenn has a simple but profound tunnel, being the Rusturf Tunnel that appropriately connects Rustboro City and Verdanturf Town. The tunnel isn't initially connected, but through further development, it does become connected; moreover, the act of making the tunnel connected also unifies the hearts of two people located on opposite sides of the tunnel. And that's a fine feeling to have for me too; it's a tunnel of certain unions that makes me feel just as integrated inside as the people and the places in question.

In Kanto, the most famous tunnel is the Rock Tunnel that connects a "northern corridor" with Lavender City. People in that "northern corridor" can actually go places, usually one of two significant ones: Cerulean City, a very watery place in Kanto, or the Power Plant, an electrifying place for the region. With these three places being connected by the tunnel, I may feel awash, tingly, or pale, depending where I wish to go, or maybe even all three as I decide to pass each one in turn, no matter where I end up going.

Then there's Sinnoh with the Mt. Coronet "tunnel". Though it isn't a tunnel per se and it's more an elaborate dungeon system, one can cleverly get from one "corner" of the region to another, or go to what might be considered its "roof". That said, it may be perfectly fine to consider it as a "house" that connects the regions' "corners" and for which its floors might provide some "surprises". I'd feel surprised too each time I use the "house" to get from one place to another and when exploring its upper reaches.

While I'm sure the original intent of all of these "tunneling" locales is to connect the disparate places together, it doesn't seem all that hard to construe that the figurative "heart" is being connected across them as well. There are perceptions in play in all the places they connect, and exploring the places seem to mean exploring the feelings that connect them as well. And as that happens, they seem to very much fill my heart.

One year ago: The Shops of Unite
Two years ago: Graduation of Regionals?
Three years ago: The Music of Shuffle
Five years ago: 1000 Episodes!!!

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