Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Peak of Light

Finally, there is the end of this brilliant Pokémon Go season, the Season of Light. It was all about the sun, the moon, and the stars - the heavenly objects that provide a brilliant shine - and what may be the aftereffect of that shine, as the shadowy murkiness that comes with it. That has been evident with all the events that Pokémon Go has had over the course of this season, each one delivering brightness and darkness in turn. Yet as I've suggested at the beginning of this season, brilliance and murkiness may make itself evident in other Pokémon affairs and in different ways, and it did.

The most brilliant thing for Pokémon aside from the Pokémon Go season is the Scarlet and Violet games, which in many ways have shown themselves to be a great step forward, though in some other ways, they too have shown some of the murkiness that follows their development - more on the latter may come later. Regardless, they have furthered the continued expansion of the world of Pokémon, and some of their brilliance has to be shared with other Pokémon games, at least in due time. 

Yet, light and shade following each other may be described as "usual business", playing on what I had addressed earlier in this month's Pokémon Go event rollup, and this even applies to beyond Pokémon Go. Theia Sky Ruins in Pokémon Unite, for example, while already "bright", had to deal with some changes to make it even "brighter". This, along with what had become true for Pokémon Go events and a certain adage, is rather indicative that the two are persistent, and the key is to deal with their interplays.

As a final remark on brightness and darkness, a certain place that some people call "the emerald of the tropics" is on the way to receiving its brightest "enlightenment" with Pokémon yet, after what seems to be years of "being kept in the dark" about it. Everything Pokémon (or mostly everything), including Pokémon Go with something official for it starting today, will be part of this "light" that comes rather timely.

In the next season, as a teaser, certain "lights" in the sky may just indicate the way going forward. Aspirations are surely to be fulfilled in some manner, and they might just unveil some of the most fabled forms of Pokémon existence - ones that some may have looked forward to. Before "shedding light" on that, it may be comforting to bask in the last bit of light at this high point as the season transitions.

One year ago: The Peak of Mischief
Three years ago: Cosplay: UC Bunkasai

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