Thursday, November 17, 2022

Fun Pokémon Memes by a Fun Tortoise

Being a part of pop culture, Pokémon has its place in memes to poke fun at just about any relevant issue concerning the franchise. Some of these memes may be furnished by a single creator, and that is fine, because the creator's dedication will likely result in excellent memes that other fans can identify with; it's just like the case with me and this blog. In some cases, the creator can be as fun as the furnished memes, identifying oneself in a unique Pokémon manner and giving the memes a real identity. I've interacted with one of these creators and the creator's memes recently, and I consider the above to be very much true.

Meet Blastoise The Water Cannon Tortle, a page on Facebook that does just that: it posts all kinds of Pokémon memes that are truly unique and truly identifiable. (And no, technically, that's not a misspelling; "tortle" is the obsolete form of "turtle", so the "language check" passes in a way.) A good bit of the content is in Indonesian - more so since the creator and its fans identify as such - but there is a good bit of English or language-independent meme content as well. Since the page title is long, it is often just shortened to "BlastoiseTWCT" - which in fact is approved, evident by the page link above - or the even shorter "BTWCT" for easy reference for fans of the page and Pokémon alike.

This meme page is run by a creator who identifies as "Breaker" and assumes the guise of a Blastoise. The creator does have a real name, though, but I'm not going to divulge it here for posterity's sake; those who join the meme page's online community on a different social platform will have a chance to be exposed to it. Speaking of that community, it consists of Pokémon fans with various interests, including those who play specific games like Pokémon Unite. Its members are also afforded the chance to get creative, having the chance to submit meme creations that might just make it on the page if they are deemed fitting, even if they're few and far between.

As I've stated earlier, I've had the chance to interact with the creator, and that creator is rather masterful in creations outside of memes. "Breaker" is a great illustrator, in particular for basic art that might just become developed into memes on the page. The person is also an extremely capable chiptune maker, being able to adapt the Pokémon music from old main series games in quite surprising ways, in addition to a slew of other musical pieces; all of these creations are made on a Game Boy tracker as the instrumentation of choice for this chiptune maker - a fine choice at that. Both are rather impressive and demonstrate the creator's intense creativity in different ways.

Creativity is regardless the name of the game when it comes to making and showing off memes, and especially Pokémon memes, for which the fans as above may just be of the rather creative kind. It's also very creative for the creator to assume the personage of a Pokémon in doing so, and that is assertive of the creator's creative qualities as well as those of the memes being posted. For a tortoise, turtle, or "tortle" - or however one would call the personage of the creator - there can only be fun to be had, which is evident in that personage and should be as well in the identifiable and jocund memes.

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