Monday, November 28, 2022

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 11/28/2022

And... the Pokémon Go event rollup continues to take place on this very date (see past years below). But that's fine, since November may be considered a setup for some usual things to occur - one of which is the end of the Pokémon Go season, which will be discussed in due time. For now, there is the run of events this month, which is part of that setup of usual things. Aside from usualness, something that might describe the events this month are their "bursts", whether in content or duration. They're also fascinating to look into.

First up, there was the post-Halloween festivity of the Day of the Dead (Día de Muertos), which took place on November 1 and 2, a short burst to start the month. New to this edition are cempasúchil (orange flower crown) costumed members of the Duskull species family, which might be found through typical channels (wild, with Incense or Lure Modules, Field Research tasks, and raids). Along with them, there was an assortment of ghastly and festive Pokémon found in the same ways. Rounding out the bonuses were slightly extended Incense and Lure Modules, doubled capture Candy, a Collection Challenge, and a new Trainer fashion item. Though Trainers in Latin America experienced the event more festively, it was still sufficiently festive for everyone around the world.

Closer to the middle of the month from November 9 to 17, there was the Greedy Gluttons event. Here, all the Pokémon were those that can eat or put away food in unbelievable amounts, including the Ultra Beast of Guzzlord, for which the event becomes its debut. Those eating or putting-food-away Pokémon in all the usual channels (wild, Eggs, Field Research tasks, and raids), the second of which also included the debut of Shiny Munchlax. Timed Research also provided an assortment of Berries with a side of Snorlax, and those who used the app hatching widget got three Eggs halved in hatch distance. All told, it was a festival of eating with all the Pokémon concerned.

Yet, Trainers had to "eat and run", as Team Go Rocket conducted a takeover that was concurrent from November 14 to 17. They had a number of new Shadow Pokémon that could be used to threaten the Ultra Beasts, and thus the associated Special Research was titled "Ultra Beast Protection Efforts". Fortunately, it just becomes another edition of Shadow Mewtwo, so there was less of a concern. New this time around was the possibility of hatching a Shiny Pawniard from 12 km (Strange) Eggs and Field Research tasks rewarding Mysterious Components, while as usual, its members appeared more frequently and Frustration can be forgotten. And so it was that the running to counter Team Go Rocket occurred.

In order to really counter the Ultra Beasts, that became the role of the Astral Eclipse event from November 23 to 28 (today). Solgaleo or Lunala, with the choice to be made by Trainers, became obtainable as an evolution from Cosmoem, continuing the Special Research storyline for this season. In the wild and raids, there were Pokémon related to the sun, moon, and stars, and in all directions. Some Field Research tasks had Staryu as a reward, two Collection Challenges were active that furnished Stardust rewards, and new Trainer fashion items inspired by Solgaleo and Lunala became available. Trainers had to make use of them to prepare for the coming of the Ultra Beasts...

...which occurred on November 27 as the Ultra Beast Invasion, more appropriately called the "Ultra Beast Raid Day". The first seven Ultra Beasts - some appearing globally and others in certain regions - took over Gyms in two three-hour periods from 11 AM to 5 PM. Any and all of them can be raided, but it is certain that they need to be raided to complete a Timed Research set that contains all of them for those who haven't gotten them. Thanks to referrals by Trainers, a free Lure Module became available and Beast Balls could be used to capture them. Meanwhile, more free raid passes became available as is proper for a Raid Day, while the raids themselves gave out more XP, greater chances for Rare Candy XL, and brief appearances of more wild Pokémon. In all, the day was Ultra in every way possible.

Considering all of the above, the "bursts" of the events were phenomenal and defined them this month, from dramatic longer-period ones to explosive short-period others. Even with some of them having their usual framework - from past years to previous editions - it also cannot be denied that there was something beyond usual about them. Fortunately, the continuance of usual business with these events means the continuance of usual Pokémon Go business, especially as this season wraps up and next season begins to present itself.

Three years ago: Keeping Gratitude in Mind
Five years ago: Journeys and Adventures

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