Friday, November 18, 2022

Scarlet and Violet Unleashed

The time for Paldea and the ninth generation is now, as the Scarlet and Violet games as the newest members of the Pokémon main series games are released today. Of course, I just have to keep it "fancy" for this one day and say that it's "unleashed" in my terms. What may not be as fancy, though, are the aspects of happenings on this special day, but they still deserve to be discussed as they tie right into the newfangled ways of these new games, especially since I've done as such for some past games.

For these new games, it seems that digital download - as opposed to owning cartridges - became a viable option for some Trainers. One cited the "information overload" phenomenon that I had described in my "preparing" post as a reason, in order to sidestep that phenomenon; that is totally believable. Just as believable may be the reason of sidestepping current issues in getting physical goods in general and just being able to play right away. Either way, the digital download stride may just be the start of good strides in play.

Speaking of good strides, a good Pokémon friend of mine has started those strides, as expected, in a live stream on the very first day. It's a commonality to those I've mentioned for past main series games as above, and why not - it's an effective way to communicate that one already has the game(s) and are ready to make the decisions that will affect future plays, especially competitive play. In fact, that friend specifically asked for contributions during the live stream, which means even more preparedness in this regard. I can only provide well wishes for what happens next.

For those not quite ready to jump into the action in the actual games, they might want to take advantage of special events in other Pokémon games. Pokémon Unite, though fledgling in contrast to the main series games, has a commemorative event on now for their release. Meanwhile, Pokémon Go also has clothing items inspired by the Trainer outfits from the game available to obtain and use on this very day as well. At least, they might temporarily satiate the need for action until the new main series games can do so with their happenings.

The new ninth-generation main series Pokémon games only have had their release today, but it's apparent that much can get or have already gotten going with them, in and out of the actual gameplay. For all intents and purposes, though, this is the day that activities in Paldea begins to rise to a fever pitch that will continue in the months and times ahead for however one chooses to go through them. And they'll likely be painted in the characteristic shades of red and purple of these new games.

Two years ago: Pokémon "Genealogy"
Three years ago: Drafts Piling Up
Four years ago: Trough of Disillusionment

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