Friday, November 25, 2022

Rise Up and Move Together

Well, since I've covered it in past years (see mostly below and here), I might as well cover it again, certainly with Pokémon in tow. Today is the anniversary of that local TV channel, and as usual, it has a tagline to suit; this year's tagline is "Rise Up and Move Together", as evident by the title of this post. It may have something to do with the results of a gathering of leaders that recently happened, or it might have something to do with recovery from the past few years - or even both. Whatever the rationale for it, I support that - but I also support having Pokémon views along with that.

For this discussion, it may be helpful to subdivide the tagline into three parts. The past few years have been a downer for everyone, including Pokémon, but people can only stay down for so long; at some point, it becomes necessary to "rise up", and now couldn't be a better time, especially with Pokémon. The World Championships have resumed and are gearing up for the run-up to the next year, the next members of the main series games have been released, and other new games are serving the needs of every player (Trainer). They're all a step up above "down" times, and they're certainly something to reach for today.

Then there's the "move" part. It is certain that at the present, there are still a few obstacles ahead even outside of the above efforts, but they just have to be dealt with in undertaking those efforts - in essence, "moving" through them. Even in those efforts, there may be roadblocks, dead ends, and/or wrong turns - say, losses, things that don't go right, and off strategies - but the only thing that anyone can do is to "move" through and even past them. Interestingly and most importantly, this ought to apply for both those who enjoy Pokémon and those who furnish it, as recent findings may have indicated. More on this will come soon, but it's clear that to "move" is necessary anyhow.

As for the "together" part, that has been explained in spades in last year's tagline and "treatise". What seems to be even more important presently is that the aspect has to apply to the other two above simultaneously - in other words, yes, "together". As is often demonstrated in Pokémon Unite, two Trainers that can link their mentalities can just be able to overcome those of the opponent, an instance of "rising up and moving". Of course, many Pokémon battles involve instances of one-on-one battles, so it can almost be assured that their goals will become divergent after battling; yet in either case, the "rising up and moving on" may just have parallels somehow.

It's been a rough few years for everyone of concern, but even after all that, people still (ought to) have something to strive for. The anniversary tagline of the local TV channel seems to fit into this nicely, to provide encouragement for anyone looking to get back on track. Moreover, it also seems to fit nicely for the spirited world of Pokémon and its fans, both of which were not spared from some of the effects. At least, it is comforting to know that in general, there has to be a way to get back up and proceed again through life in sync with others.

Three years ago: Spreading Inspiration

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