Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Preparing for Scarlet and Violet

In past years, I would make this "preparing" post well before the next members of the main series games come out, which in the case of the present time would be the Scarlet and Violet games. And... those games are due out in a few days' time, so that means this post is incredibly late by those standards. Yet I still feel the need to make the post by those previous posts, so any time before the release of the games happen is still a good time to make the post - specifically for this time, now and right away. Even at this rather last-minute time, preparations can still be made and wrapped up.

Those who have dealt with the previous main series games of Sword and Shield will likely not have to do anything drastic to enjoy the Scarlet and Violet games since they're on the same console after all (the Switch), unless there's a dire need for something, likely caused by intensive usage. Even so, it is likely that Trainers will have to do some management to allow these games to be accommodated, whether as cartridges or as digital downloads - more so if both versions are involved, though this is becoming more of a rarity these days due to different factors. Nevertheless, getting the games and consoles ready is first and foremost.

Meanwhile, years ago, I discussed the possibility of having an "information overload" with the new games, and that has remained true today. Moreover, the problem seems to become exacerbated over time and even today, with the ingenuity that is possessed by those who drop those vast quantities of information. It may have come to the point that today, some Trainers would have to go on a (social media) sabbatical in order to enjoy the games, which is extreme but could also be an understandable (as well as only) course. The only thing I can say now is to be wise about it on both ends of the scale and only take in what is necessary.

As is always the case with the main series games, there's always the option of playing either game, if playing both as above is not an option. Since I've personally opted for Sword (although I haven't played as such) in the previous generation, I opt for Violet this time around as the second of the pair. It seems, though, that this is a popular choice among Trainers regardless of my selection approach, so for the good of all of them (and me), a group of others will have to take up Scarlet. That should be no problem, unless those Trainers may be hard to find, in which case it would be.

Whatever the case, the release of the new games aren't that long now, which means now is already crunch time for getting ready to play them - even to write up to do so, as I'm doing right this moment. Yet the issues of preparation seem to just be classic issues for next-of-kin Pokémon main series games, so even with crunch time at hand, the solutions should already be obvious... and workable, for any Trainer who has experienced them. Now it's just time for Trainers to gear up for the new games in due time very soon, and those games will just have to be telltale of great times - hopefully in more ways than one.

One year ago: Pokémon Cafe Delights
Three years ago: Sword and Shield Unleashed
Five years ago: Ma? Ma? Ma? Marshadow...!

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