Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Shiny Pokémon in Café Remix

What Pokémon fan isn't interested in Shiny Pokémon? They're alternate colored forms for the species, and many are as fascinating as their normal counterparts. They appear in a few games outside the main series games, and one of them just happens to be Café Remix. Here, some Shiny forms of Pokémon also appear, almost in equal stature to their original forms, making one's staff roster that much more lively. Yet there are still a few things that one may need to know about them in order to get them to join the staff and take advantage of them.

Firstly, it should be noted that Shiny Pokémon are extremely rare. I've only gotten very few of them to join my staff, and I may or may not be able to get all of them to join. Granted, I've only been playing for just a few months, but it may be quite possible that my experiences are representative of those of others. The way they most likely appear is through a main order; they may appear directly as a customer, or they may have to be shuffled - if the "Shuffle Customers" button lights up and a sparkling sound is heard, it means a Shiny Pokémon is nearby and can be nabbed as a customer.

Once nabbed, they have to be served food or drinks in order to befriend them and have them join the staff, as with essentially most other Pokémon. The only problem is again the rarity; once they leave the café, it's hard to know when they will come back - if at all, depending on how many main orders one has gotten through. And it takes at least three orders to hire them, especially without the use of a Heaping Helping Ticket and/or an active Happy Bonus, either of which boosts friendship levels by two hearts. It goes to reason that if a Shiny Pokémon appears, either or both should be activated. Spending 500 Golden Acorns to serve them a second meal is also pretty much a requisite.

A consolation is that sometimes Café Remix holds events where a given Shiny Pokémon is more likely to appear, usually over the course of a few days and for a set of them, one after the other. Needless to say, if these events occur, they should be taken advantage of to try to hire them as staff members in the above manner. It may also be worthwhile not to complete a certain number of main orders to accommodate the search for Pokémon that can possibly be Shiny. This last point may be affected by circumstances beyond Shiny Pokémon, but there may still be ways to adapt.

Regarding equal stature, some Shiny Pokémon in Café Remix are practically no different than their regular counterparts, and they require much of the same resources (effectively, twice more after a regular Pokémon has been hired) to raise them and bring out their potential. However, they often will look different from their regular counterparts and even other regular Pokémon; this may become advantageous in certain situations where it's necessary to tell them apart quickly, like One-Minute Cooking, a very major point in this case.

In many Pokémon games, Shiny Pokémon remain a relatively rare matter. This may be regarded as being even more true in Café Remix, where Shiny Pokémon are hard to find in general and may be harder still to befriend and hire as a staff member. But once that happens, there is a certain satisfaction that is fulfilled, as in other Pokémon games where Shiny Pokémon are present in all their glory and rarity. Here too, the glory is having them as gems in one's staff roster, something to behold as café orders continue to be fulfilled.

Two years ago: The Halloween Cup of GBL
Three years ago: Later, Psyduck
Four years ago: Hardcore (Dis)United
Five years ago: Duff Knows Pokémon

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