Monday, January 15, 2024

The Ultimate Journey: A Journey's End

It is done.
After a long time and several "teaser" posts, I am now in the position where I am able (and need) to make this post. Throughout the series that is called "Journeys" in English or what I personally call the "World saga", fans were undoubtedly served up many of those journeys, even ones tagged as "Master" and "Ultimate". The most "ultimate" of these journeys, though, besides a rather glorious victory, is also the "completion" or "culmination" of one: this becomes the final appearance of Ash in the regular animated series (anime) after more or less a quarter century of near-constant appearance.

Prior to the parting of Ash, a parting with Goh was organized; it was then followed by what I call the "finale arc", a series of episodes with a significant characterization of Ash after that glorious victory. The final regular episode is a sentimental one that could be considered a mid-journey characterization, especially since Ash appears with his Movie 20 outfit instead. For the benefit of those who hasn't seen these "ultimate" episodes, I won't go into much more detail about them and I highly recommend watching them - which I indeed have, the reason for this post's relevance.

It is important to note that one of the earlier episodes in the series had no sign of Ash in it, and only Goh was in it, which I consider significant. Then there are the episodes from the Chronicles sub-series, which also don't have Ash in them. With this, it is established that the anime can still proceed without Ash, and it inevitably has to... only this time it's for real, and moreover, it has happened - more details by me to come eventually. Yet it may remain a circumstance that is strange for longtime fans like me, especially in having to come to terms with that circumstance as it happens presently. 

One concession that could be noted is that while the appearance of Ash ends at this point, it is stated (in two episodes) that by story and by spirit, the journey of Ash still continues - even if the implication is that we may never hear of new ones anymore. In fact, it is this viewpoint that Rica Matsumoto - Ash's Japanese voice talent - adopts and espouses, and those who came to last year's Indonesia Comic Con (and perhaps some other places she visited in that year) will have personally heard that from her. So, one could make the case that the journey only ends only if one chooses to withdraw from it.

Now, in any case, an end has been reached, like the quote above from a certain other thing I also enjoy. Meanwhile, I still have much more to say about this and other things pertinent to it, so over the next two weeks, albeit with some interruptions for other Pokémon and personal necessities, I have a series of posts on the ready that touch on both the subjectivity and objectivity of this happening. Regardless, some "ultimate" things have been achieved on this journey, and this parting can only represent the most ultimate of the "ultimates". Ultimately, its time has come, even for me as a fan.

Three years ago: I Need Good Energy
Five years ago: Keeping Up with VGC
Six years ago: Here Comes an Ex-Raid

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