Monday, January 29, 2024

The State of Nominations, Part 26

While my Pokémon Go progress in different aspects go on, so does my progress in making nominations for PokéStops wherever they could stand to be present. It's a natural process for me, as I try to take advantage of all aspects of Pokémon Go to assist my play, and in this case, assist others through what gets through. Based on what has transpired thus far, I might be able to say that I've been able to help myself aplenty with the results of my nominations, and others can take advantage of that as well. That should also be reflected in the update for the nomination process and what that entails.

To put that into perspective, as is the norm for this post, I have the numbers. At present, I have 118 Accepted nominations (an increase of 1) and 66 Not Accepted nominations (an increase of 2); something that could contribute to this is that prior to my recent nominations, all previous ones had been decided, so there wasn't much progress - which also goes for the Duplicate nominations still at 11. Interestingly, the increase of 1 came just as I was writing this post, with an appeal that was decided to be Accepted, so it would have been 0 otherwise. All my current nominations, 10 presently, are in the In Queue state and none have yet to become In Voting, though this might change very soon; this is a matter that also needs to be remarked.

Since the "downtime", I've also tried to pace myself in making nominations. Instead of making as many as possible on a single day, furthermore after I've collected the requisite two photos, now I make only two or three at a time on one day. If I have a lot of nominations, this effectively spreads them out over several days; this is exactly what happened with the 10 present nominations above, being made over a stretch of five days. This is also to avoid the Wayfarer system falsely detecting errant behavior on my part where there is none, which some users might have experienced, resulting in undesirable effects to Wayfarer or Pokémon Go (or both. It also goes for any nomination I can stand to make.

For that last point, I have the plan to make a few renominations of those that were previously rejected, as waiting for an Appeal to become available is becoming rather prohibitive - that is, it takes a long time, perhaps a little too long. Thus, these renominations are in a way still necessary, especially for nominations that have aspects that I don't want to be considered in the Appeal, such as potentially faulty photos or flawed titles or descriptions. Then, there are still points of interest that I've identified and would like to put in as nominations, so this remains the brunt of nominations now and in the closely approaching future.

Much has evidently been made in the nomination process by me and much still remains to be made. It is thus fitting that I've been updating the status of this progress on a bimonthly basis for some time now, and that can be expected within a similar timeframe ahead. The main thing is, of course, still the "assistance" part of it, whether it's for myself or for others, and that's also what I have to determine within the process and its twists and turns, in turn likely also determining my progress (and others') in the game. 

One year ago: Cosplay: Utsuru 7.5
Four years ago: Expecting the Contrary
Five years ago: Color Me (Shiny) Groudon
Seven years ago: Fire Power!

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