Thursday, January 11, 2024

Adapting More of Ash's Outfits?

Observant readers (and visitors to a previous convention) will notice that I did something out of the ordinary at that time: not only did I (effectively) bring more than one costume set - a fact that was repeated last week and thus may deserve its own discussion - I also cosplayed as (that is, "sent") Ash in one of his less typical outfits, being his "formal" outfit. That becomes a prompt for another discussion, which becomes the current one: would I adapt more of Ash's other outfits for this purpose? The answer to this question is intriguing to be explored.

For starters, it should be noted that I've already done so in the past with the Lucario Prince costume, which I haven't brought out in ages due to reasons - but I intend to do so once the timing is right and I've made the improvements I need to make to it. The point is that I'm not shy about doing this; it's just that it doesn't happen very often, given my focus on his primary outfits. Now, though, there may be a greater reason to go back on some of these "other" outfits and make them reality - yet those primary outfits will still be... (ahem) my primary focus.

Almost any of Ash's other outfits is fair game for me, except some of the ones that could be considered "controversial", which I won't even touch or address for this purpose. And there are some nifty "hidden gems" among these other outfits, some of them being perfect cosplay fodder. What's more, they appear officially in the anime or art that pertains to it, so that's something going for them; this, however, could spark a bit of a debate regarding "canonicity" - and in fact, did, when I talked to a really good friend - but the matter could be sidestepped.

Looking back at what I've accomplished in all my years of cosplay, being able to deal with Ash's primary outfits has been the thing that brings me the most joy - and hopefully to others as well. But to be able to deal with any of his other outfits, certainly adapted for my cosplay purposes, would also give me great joy and at least some for others as well. And it is now something I have to look into and consider with some seriousness for my continued dealings with Ash - hopefully, it would be something that many fellow Pokémon fans would support.

Four years ago: Faults in Some Stars

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