Saturday, January 6, 2024

Pokémon Go Community Day, 1/6/2024

Me: OK, um, so we have a really early Community Day this year.

Goh: Wow, even earlier than last year! 

Me: You've noticed. And we're addressing it in discussion today due to a certain necessity with Ash... but we'll save most of that for tomorrow.

Ash: Looks like it's going to be a wild ride!

Pikachu: Pi pika chu! ["Very much so!"] 

Me: Indeed. So that wild ride starts off today... with Rowlet as the featured Pokémon!

Goh: Wow!

Ash: Nice! You know I had one while I was in Alola. It loved being in my bag.

Me: Of course! And since it's a starter Pokémon, you know what it's going to get.

Goh: So it evolves to Dartrix, and then Decidueye, and it's going to get Frenzy Plant.

Ash: Yeah! I think that's right.

Me: I believe you can now also get it with Spirit Shackle, but that's not an exclusive move, so don't worry about it for now.

Ash: And we get all the usual bonuses! Right?

Me: That's always the case. This time it's tripled Stardust, so you should capture as many as possible and use a Star Piece if you can.

Goh: Then, I guess there's the rest. Double Candy and Candy XL chance, extended Lure Modules and Incense, cheaper trades and another Special Trade, and popups from pictures. And I'm sure there are bundles all over, Field Research to do, showcases, and stickers.

Me: Goh's got this.

Ash: And I can raid for Dartrix to get more Rowlet.

Me: Sure... but that depends on other people too.

Goh: Doesn't Professor Willow usually have something for you to do, for a fee?

Me: He usually does, but I think Ash can figure out a way around the fee thing. OK, that's pretty much all the details - how'd things go?

Ash: I got to your friends' meetup from the place you sent me first.

Me: As we've said, that place will be for tomorrow - literally too. Let's go on with Community Day for today.

Ash: I got the goodies as usual, but... there weren't many of them? But I guess they're fine.

Goh: I'm sure they kept the postcard - that one has to be popular.

Ash: I did get that, and a "balloon" sticker, plus the way to get the tasks with Professor Willow. They were called "Of a Feather", and we talked all about that for Rowlet and more.

Me: I understand about the goodies. They might be trimming them down for efficiency. Also, I'm glad that they prepared goodies for this one - maybe ahead of time, since last year's first Community Day didn't have them.

Ash: Then I caught a whole bunch of Rowlet, but only a few were Shiny for me.

Me: It's better than not having any.

Ash: But you know what? Some people found a perfect one - and one almost perfect one - three times!

Pikachu: Pika pika chu pika? ["Can you believe that?"]

Ash: Everyone then went to track them down, and some got Shiny ones too!

Goh: That must have been wild.

Ash: It was - but it was so much fun too! I got all three.

Me: You did evolve at least one of them, right?

Ash: Of course! I evolved your buddy, a Shiny and Lucky one I got from a friend, plus a few for battling. You might or might not need them.

Me: Who knows? We'll have to see.

Goh: I want to see the group picture.

Ash: Here you go:

Ash: I'm in my Journeys outfit though, but that's fine.

Goh: Oh, that's a nice one.

Ash: You almost can't beat this. Oh, but then I got back to the place you sent me for something even more awesome.

Me: Yet again, we'll deal with that tomorrow. So if I may say, I guess we won the day with this and that other thing.

Ash: I guess you could say that!

Goh: And it's a throwback to your time in Alola.

Ash: Yeah! 

Me: I'd agree that the journey back then - see what I did there - was wild, but then so was today going into tomorrow.

Goh: You've teased quite a bit about this. This has to be a wild ride too.

Ash: You better believe it!

Pikachu: Pika pika. ["Truly so."]

Goh: I will take you up on that.

Me: And all of this early on in the year too. It was *ahem* a perfect storm to be sure.

Three years ago: No Scans for You
Four years ago: Pokémon Statues
Seven years ago: A 3DS Story

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