Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Blog Changes: Made and Not Made

It's been seven years (and counting) on this blog, and that means a lot of posts. It also means many changes to different aspects of this blog. Of those, some of them have been made to great effect, influencing this blog from that point on. Others, meanwhile, are stuck in the planning or mid-execution stage, seemingly not progressing to be made or not complete in that regard. At this point in time in my blogging efforts, I have to take a post to write about them, especially for the purpose of regarding them for the future of this blog.

After a few years, I've still not completed the category reorganization that I was hoping to complete by now, for the Events and Game categories. On the other hand, there are only a few tens of posts in either category, so it may just take a really big forward push to get either or both categories reorganized. Meanwhile, I've also decided to spin off all posts related to Pokémon Unite from the "Other Spinoff Games" category and predictably put them in a category of their own. The game is now a good part of my Pokémon dealings and could have a bigger role in the future, so this definitely makes sense. I've also been thinking of making a category for the puzzle spinoff games, although this may require further rumination.

Readers of this blog also might have noticed something different about its appearance from about half a year ago, which now has a font closer to that of other Pokémon-related sites yet the same metrics as the previous font. It's a nice uniformity to be had, but it wasn't without consequences: one of them is that as I tried to apply the font, I inadvertently broke the mobile version of the site, which is why it now defaults to the desktop appearance instead - really sorry about this. Should I have the opportunity to redesign the appearance completely, hopefully with some assistance, I would want to rectify this while doing that. There's a chance that things would be radically different if this happened, but that may be the chance to take.

Then, there are other aspects that I've still yet to touch, like pages, site management, and custom domains from last year (see below). It's becoming rather apparent that several of these matters, including changing the appearance as above, are matters that cannot be handled by one person alone - that is, I myself as the author and manager of everything. Therefore, I would need to find or accommodate ways for me to be able to discuss matters of this blog with others, something else I've neglected to address for some specific reasons that I cannot yet detail. All the same, I've already thought of those ways and may just have to implement them when the perfect opportunity and timing comes up.

Much of these matters are admittedly not as important to Pokémon itself, but for the purpose of this blog, they're still important for maintaining continuity. When it comes to this blog, continuity is the name of the game, in addition to describing my appreciation of Pokémon after all this time. There will always be changes that involve the Pokémon things I appreciate, so that makes for another continuity; what may follow from that is making appropriate changes to this blog while all the continuity goes on.

One year ago: More Blog Overhauls?
Three years ago: Pokémon Blogging Wellness
Four years ago: New Post Categories
Five years ago: Taking the Plunge
Six years ago: What's Next?
Seven years ago: ...And a Hoppip New Year

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