Saturday, January 27, 2024

Your Journey - A Poem

Throughout the time that I've had this blog, I've only written in it in essay or prosaic format due to the demands of this blog, as is with most blogs out there. For the case of the "finale coverage", however, I'd like to do something different; I want to write a poem instead, as a bit of a creative detour while still being somewhat focused on the objectives of this blog. The form is free verse, as it is to be more reflective of my natural thoughts regarding what has happened in the Pokémon anime now and in all prior times.

So, here goes:

It's been so many years
And this is where the journey goes
An ending, a passing
Something that had to come eventually
You were here, you were there
You were everywhere
Now you're somewhere
Still pursuing the master goal
Maybe seen, maybe not
But to see you all these years
That's the most wonderful thing
You who have went from a humble start
To achieve the spectacular
You who have met with many friends
And parted with many more
You who have hit problems along the way
But then found solutions for them
And all this, in the places you visited
Then visited again
Before the spectacular happened
And the world rejoiced
It's been fun to see the world with you
It's great to see you fill my life and others'
It's even been an honor to be inspired by you
Life won't be the same with your absence
You and your yellow fluffy pal
But your presence may still be felt
Now wherever you go
Things only have to get better
Even if I - or we - won't see it
But if you do decide to return
I'm sure there will be much joy
Good things will still come
No matter how and what
Only that is certain
What's certain right now
Is to thank you for all these years
And to thank you once more
For now
Somewhere under that distant blue sky
Your adventure awaits
And your journey goes on
The end is only the beginning
The beginning... for a true master.

This also marks the end of my "finale coverage" and a return to discussions of other Pokémon things that still need to be made or are waiting their turn. Of course, as I've said, Ash (and Goh) will still likely pop up here every now and then, for our journeys go on and on.

Such is something to be counted on. And this blog's journey continues now.

Four years ago: Spinning Like a Spinda
Five years ago: The Cards, Revisited
Six years ago: Changes
Seven years ago: A Loss Is... A Loss?

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