Sunday, January 21, 2024

Waiting to Break into Pokémon Spinoff Games

Over many of the previous years, and especially the years I've had this blog, I've had the opportunity to break into some Pokémon spinoff games for the purpose of enjoyment as well as being able to write about them here on this blog. Yet there are also plenty of them that I've yet to be able to break into for various reasons, though I would like to do so for the above points. As another "interruption" to the currently ongoing "finale coverage", I'd like to mention a few of those games as well as the reasons for not having done so.

It seems prudent to begin with those reasons, since some of them are shared for the Pokémon games I'm about to mention. Perhaps the main reason is that I'm already involved in several businesses in current games that have not only become regular but also demanding, and thus making time for even other Pokémon games becomes challenging. Then there are things like the "interruption" from yesterday that are just as necessary to sustain my dealings in Pokémon as my life in general. As for other reasons, they depend on the specific games.

One of those games is Pokémon Quest, a relatively recent spinoff game. I already have it installed on my Nintendo Switch, but I've yet to open it. It was installed at about the same time as Café Remix... and it seems evident which one I tackled and become engrossed in first. Based on what I've seen of the game, it may seem just as engrossing as the other game, aside from the reasons above, which becomes another reason I haven't touched it. Still, its presence on my Switch means that I'll have to get to it sooner or later.

Then there is the niche yet popular Pokémon Masters EX that just seems to go on and on. I installed it briefly on my old phone and got through the introduction, but quickly realized that it's almost as massive as Pokémon Go or Unite, though not necessarily what I want or need to have on the go, at least not yet. For that reason, I've yet to install it again even on my current phone. It is still a game that I wish to get through to a larger capacity (and of course write about), particularly due to certain additions, so I may have to deal with it somehow.

In the realm of the Nintendo Switch, there are recent spinoff games as well, like the new Mystery Dungeon and Detective Pikachu games. As with most games on the console, including recent main series games, the primary barrier to these have to be their cost. Especially in my case, I would need to justify them, again with the reasons above. For the two games as mentioned, there is also the issue of replay value due to them being "remakes". It seems apparent that these games have complex issues to solve before I can get to them.

The variety of Pokémon spinoff games may be considered to have become astounding in recent times, and that's something to be praised as much as wondered. "Wondering" may also describe my current sentiments about them, especially for the possibility of breaking into them, playing, and outputting good results, including as posts on this blog for specific topics regarding them. Ultimately, it's still about enjoying Pokémon (spinoff) games to the fullest extent, and that full extent may just take certain efforts to be realized.

Four years ago: Getting Too Technical
Seven years ago: Dreams of Itasha

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