Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The (In)Visibility of Pokémon (and Myself)

I've been putting quite a bit of effort into this blog for many years, in a way to make myself "visible" through what I love most - Pokémon and certainly languages, specifically writing. That effort could be said to have come up with mixed results, but then so it seems that Pokémon has a bit of mixed "visibility" of its own. I've been prompted to think about it, and it seems fitting to take a post to consider that "visibility" (or the "invisibility" otherwise).

Certainly, this could tie into the issue of popularity, for which I had written a post many years ago - specifically in the first year of this blog. What I said back then still applies today, with the addition of two new generations as well as many new Pokémon, all with quirks of their own. That popularity can afford it a certain visibility, although this also could be said to depend on a myriad of other factors like people and places.

For fans in major Nintendo settings, Pokémon is indeed quite visible, even if the legions of fans may not be so at a glance. For fans of Japanese pop culture (which I loath to use the "w" word for), it might appear to be somewhat less so, as other facets may be considered to have greater visibility. And then there are mixes of either kind of people in places like where I am right now, which certainly would also appear to lead to mixed results.

As for myself, I'm already "visible" with some Pokémon involvement in some respects outside of this blog, but this blog itself hasn't really made me as such with greater and more specific Pokémon involvement. It's almost as if the "visibility" remains restricted somehow, including in ways that I didn't expect or mean to do so. The Pokémon element might be more visible, even if I myself am less as such.

Granted, there's a lot of subjectivity for this topic as it pertains to both myself and Pokémon, or the two in combination. In the end, it might be hard to say whether there is "visibility" or "invisibility" based on what has transpired, even with given evidence for one or the other. Yet I'm evidently still here for some time, and so is Pokémon, and if only for that reason, we still need to take some strides to make sure we're visible somehow.

Four years ago: Bringing It Home
Five years ago: Three TCG Booster Packs
Seven years ago: Always 21 - Memories of 21

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