Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Starting (Anew on) a New Day

We - or to be more precise, I - interrupt my coverage of a certain "end" for something a little more festive: my birthday, as previous year's posts (see below) indicate. As a bit of a "counterpoint" to the "concluding" aspect of the other matter, I've decided to discuss the opposite kind of aspect instead, as "starting". It's not technically too far off either, as every birthday is the start of another year of existence, in this case mine. Of course, I'd like to couple the discussion with another aspect as well as Pokémon as the core aspect of this blog.

That aspect, as indicated by the title, relates to that of a new day... and possibly new ways. As each day starts, there is the opportunity to do things in the ways that they're usually done, or even in different and novel ways. Some things benefit from the same and routine ways, but others could also benefit from other ways that contrast to that. For any person, it would be a matter of choosing between these approaches as necessary or demanded to achieve the best or desired results. And that would go for Pokémon as well.

For example, I could go through Raid Hour - today is a Wednesday after all - as usual, but it could be worthwhile to take an unusual approach that could serve me well for a later edition or even its expanded Raid Day. Or, it could be one or more events in Café Remix that I could satisfyingly complete with only the Pokémon I have, using them in the most creative of ways to achieve the objectives at hand. And then there are other unusual things I could do in other Pokémon games, and they'd complement all the usual or routine things to do.

As for today, I had been intending to keep it personal, at least in the daytime, and be more outgoing at night. That didn't happen, and I ended up going out in the daytime for a "new" kind of celebration by going out, while keeping the night more personal - but still with a little bit of Pokémon elements. It was truly "starting anew" compared to my original plan, and in this case, it did kind of work out as I started my own "new year". This might be something I'd need to expect for other Pokémon happenings throughout the year, even tangentially.

Out of many things I've encountered in my life, Pokémon is one of the most (if not the most) influential things, whether I'm starting regular days or even special days like this one. There's always that chance that new perspectives might come up, in particular with Pokémon things, and that may be something to be taken up on any day. It may or may not mean "starting anew", but it is certain that I (and certainly others) have to start from somewhere. So as my existence starts a new year, I can also think of new starts with Pokémon.

It's a new day, and there might be some new ways out there. Happy birthday to me, and let's see what the new starts and new days ahead may bring.

One year ago: A Legendary Existence
Two years ago: Unique Touches
Three years ago: Wishes for Good Days
Four years ago: Always Together
Five years ago: Wonderful Opportunities
Seven years ago: A Pokémon Party?

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