Monday, January 1, 2024

Hoppip New Year 2024

Hoppip New Year! As well, I would like to welcome readers into the eighth year of my blogging. It's almost miraculous that I can keep this up for such a long time, but then I have to keep up with Pokémon and Pokémon itself has to keep up with time. So naturally, I want and have to be there for Pokémon affairs, moreover if I can write something about them. It also becomes an opportunity to "flex my muscles" insofar as languages are concerned, and I'm only happy to do that, especially when Pokémon is of concern.

In the past few years, there had been a notable turn for the worse in one way. Now it's not as bad as before, but there might be other kinds of turns that are not necessarily good. Whether or not they might affect Pokémon matters is not for me to decide or determine, but if they do so and significantly at that, then they might deserve to be mentioned. Yet it might be considered that the world is in a state of "one step forward, one step back", being better off than before while also worse than before. The hope is that the situation doesn't or won't apply to Pokémon, and that things will always be one step better than before.

Completion of seven years of blogging - and starting the eighth - is certainly significant. Yet it does make me wonder actually how significant my contribution is to the greater realm of Pokémon perspectives, discussions, and whatnot on the Internet and the social media contained therein. A lot of things on my blog are personal and experiential, and thus may not be generally applicable nor significant, but a good deal is also generally informative and thusly significant. Either way, I remain curious while still continuing to present all the expected and sometimes unexpected Pokémon things.

As usual, meanwhile, I have the "Hoppip Report" for this particular day with specificity to Pokémon Go. The situation is pretty much the same as last year, but with one exception. Last year, I caught a Hoppip with only one IV "dot", which is likely as close to zero as I'll ever get at this point. I tend to collect Pokémon with this peculiarity for that very reason, along with any actual "zero" ones that I do come upon. Though it may not be good for much of anything, the rarity is still incredible, for this or any other species.

With another year, it is certain that the list of previous posts below is going to get even longer. By now, it is a generally invariant part of posts on this blog, and the only certain variance is the content that I present, as is the possible Pokémon topics that may be included. And there are always opportunities for them, hopefully allowing for some miraculous discussions on this blog for advancing myself as well as Pokémon.

One year ago: Hoppip New Year 2023
Two years ago: Hoppip New Year 2022
Three years ago: Hoppip New Year 2021
Four years ago: Hoppip New Year 2020
Five years ago: Hoppip New Year 2019
Six years ago: Hoppip New Year 2018
Seven years ago: First Post Time!

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