Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Four on the Floor

Like some previous years, I've decided to incorporate the discussion of "yearly themes" as part of my Pokémon blogging. While things have more or less moved away from what they were four years ago (although it wasn't known with certainty at that exact time), some shades of it still remain, notably its aftereffects. With that, I've settled on a theme that might be representative of that situation, with some continuance from past years. So it is that the theme for this year has been settled as "Four on the Floor", continuing the "numbers game" from some of those past years.

Philosophically, the theme may be considered to have a competitive reference, particularly for Pokémon. Some competitions are designed to start with four participants leading to the selection of an ultimate winner. For Pokémon, the ultimate winner may then be two Trainers on a side, as with 2 vs. 2 Multi Battle where each send out up to three Pokémon and battle until one side runs out. In this case, even with only one surviving Trainer on one side, the other Trainer of that side also wins, moreover even with survival. And that may be the appropriate "spirit" involving this year's theme.

"Four" may also be the operative word for other happenings throughout this year. I've already mentioned one such happening at the beginning of the Pokémon Go season, and that is definitely a translation of "four". Other happenings might constitute at the least a figurative interpretation of "four", and the customary editions of Pokémon Presents ought to shed light on how that can be so. Some things might even be a continuance of those from two years ago (see below), which is indeed another kind of figurative "four". Much is to be seen.

Now, as I've said in a past year, my "yearly themes" could be downplayed as just self-prophetic abstractions with some cultural references thrown in. While that may be true, it could also be true that sometimes the themes fit rather serendipitously without further meddling by me. That seems to be more important than anything else, aside from seeing how Pokémon fits into the general framework of the theme and making all things work, Pokémon or otherwise. In that sense, it may just be regarded as a guide or reference.

Regardless of the state of the theme, the world, or Pokémon in general, something has to work out somehow with any or all of these three things - and then there's the fourth, myself. "Four on the floor", therefore, might not be so figurative after all, and may just serve as an operational basis that works out in some way, shape, or form, with Pokémon certainly included in many respects.

Two years ago: Two and Two Together
Three years ago: A Dream with Partners
Four years ago: A Clear Vision
Six years ago: Now Accepting Donations
Seven years ago: Confessions and Concessions

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