Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Outdoor Tea Party in Café Remix

If anything, Café Remix isn't shy about implementing innovations for event mechanisms - and it has to now, moreover that main orders are coming or have come to an end. The latest mechanism is one that brings some of the festivities outside the café and allows for some freeform methods of completion. It's no surprise, then, that the newest event mechanism is called the Outdoor Tea Party, which might be considered to sound as light as it is festive.

This mechanism also utilizes the Slow Cooking format (at least for now - more on this shortly) to achieve its objectives. Once a playthrough is completed, the player is asked to serve the results to a Pokémon at the party; the play score is then converted to "delicious points" at a rate of 1 point per 100 thousand - rounded down. Doing so increases the gauge level of the Pokémon and allows nifty items to be earned. Sometimes a Pokémon might appreciate the serving very much, which doubles the points for that particular serving and further increases their gauge level.

Some Pokémon will notably need fewer points and be quicker to progress than others, but that may also depend on the items that may be wanted or needed to be obtained first. Certain Pokémon may also require certain conditions for other Pokémon to be fulfilled first, specifically requiring them to be of certain gauge levels. When all is said and done, however, once all Pokémon have had their gauge levels raised to the maximum, the main part of the event ends, although one can still try to increase the play score for individual ranking up until the cutoff for the event.

Now, although the current iteration does use the Slow Cooking format as mentioned, there might be the possibility of further iterations using the One-Minute Cooking format instead, particularly if it runs concurrently with another event of the other format (as it does now, in fact). Some adjustments may have to be made - in particular, the point conversion rate, or perhaps even the available Pokémon and their gauge levels - to accommodate this potential shift, but otherwise, the event mechanism might still remain open for it as other events run alongside it.

Although the current iteration of the event mechanism is effectively the first iteration, the event mechanism definitely sees some promise with future iterations. The pace appears quite manageable, the rewards are sufficiently engaging, and the mechanism makes a good extension out of existing formats. It may be safe to say that with this innovation in event mechanisms, the festivities may just continue out of the box... or the café.

Five years ago: Pokémon Ceramics
Six years ago: Hitching a Raid Ride
Seven years ago: A Tale of Two Shirts

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