Friday, January 12, 2024

#25 Makes a +62 Journey

The entity mentioned as #25 in the title of this post should be quite familiar to fans of Pokémon, no matter who or where they are. Meanwhile, the entity mentioned as +62 in the title of this post is representative of a group of people who live on islands straddling the equator. Based on this, the entities in question are Pikachu (by the National Dex number) and Indonesia (by its country code for phone numbers). Taken together, the title illustrates that the former is going to make a journey in the latter... and that is in fact going to be the case.

In a new regional event that is hot on the heels of the one from about a year ago, this one, which is officially called "Pikachu's Indonesia Journey", takes a more nationalist focus compared to the regional(ly implied) one of last time. It's also supported by the Ministry of Tourism and backed by the nation's flag carrier (Garuda Indonesia), with its own "Pikachu Jet" in tow; it is thus also an output of Pokémon Air Adventures for similar initiatives in other countries. And being Pokémon, its games are and have to be involved in some way, shape, and form to appease its fans.  

As for the first stop for this national event, that would be in Denpasar, Bali, with the country's first-ever paid-ticket Pokémon Go event, just called an "in Bali" subset of the national event. It's set for March 2 and 3, to take place in a park in the heart of the capital of the Island of Paradise. Tickets are already being sold right now, and it looks set to be a hot one - never mind the possible weather - for a good deal of Trainers in Pokémon Go who are already showing a good deal of interest. And while it's not a "Safari Zone" proper, its elements ought to be rather similar to one and could be regarded as such.

Meanwhile, with AKG Games in the mix, the local TCG is sure to get a piece of the pie. Bali as with Pokémon Go is surely a target for this purpose, in addition to the nation's capital, Jakarta. Beyond this skeleton, plans may still look a little blurry as of yet... but that may be also because the event itself had only been divulged the other day through a press conference, after which the tickets for the Pokémon Go event above began to be available for purchase. In any case, things are still early as of yet for Pokémon fans, but the ball - maybe a Poké Ball - has really started to roll.

Numbers often tell the tale for both of the entities mentioned in the title, but it seems that what is more important than mere numbers is the experience gained from the tales of both. So it is that the famed Electric Mouse Pokémon undertakes a journey rooted in an equatorial paradise and will tell of its famed splendor combined with some monster fantasy. Fans in any place, especially where the journey takes place, ought to appreciate the gesture and should be due of pleasantries that result from the joined force of the two entities.

Five years ago: These Sides of Paradise

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