Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Let's Talk About Endings and Beginnings

Me: Well, I guess you know that I know by now.

Ash, Goh: Oh.

Goh: And that's why we're in discussion today.

Ash: Let's just say what we need to say.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu. ["I'm with you."]

Goh: Well, I wanted to go on a journey so I can broaden my horizons, see different things.

Ash: I understand. I mean, that's what happened for me back then - and that still happens now.

Goh: So it's OK now that we're on different paths.

Ash: Absolutely. You do you.

Me: At least, Goh, you were able to find Mew again. I wanted to see more of you, to be honest, and of how you make sense of the world.

Goh: As long as I'm here, I'll keep on finding out more about other Pokémon, and then I'll find out more about Mew!

Me: Sounds good to me. And then there's Ash with his big win.

Ash: That's me!

Me: I know after that you had some thoughts about what it is that would make you a Pokémon Master, and I have some too - but I'll talk about it by myself.

Ash: Sure! Can't wait to hear about yours.

Me: If only I could still be there when that happens.

Ash: You'll be there too. I'll make sure it happens.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Certainly!"]

Me: Of course, we can't forget about our fluffy yellow pal here. It's hard to believe how far you've come from where you were, and now with Ash.

Pikachu: Pi... pika... ["I'm... touched..."]

Me: You two have a bond that few people can only dream of.

Ash: But so do you with Pokémon! You've been with it for pretty much as long as you've seen me.

Goh: Both of you are impressive, if you put it that way.

Ash: Some people even call us legends!

Me: That's true! (See below for what I mean. Nice coincidence, that.)

Goh: Oh my! I guess it's true.

Me: Getting back to our discussion, now it's time to deal with some "ending" matters. I know I may never hear more from either of you at this point, but I'll always deal with Pokémon, just like you, wherever you may be.

Goh: That's the spirit! There's always something new for us.

Ash: Yeah! I'm sure there is.

Me: As I've said, the end is only when you're not on the path.

Ash: And if you need us to talk about stuff, we'll always be here.

Goh: And when our friend sends Ash somewhere-

Pikachu: Pika! ["And me!"]

Goh: Of course, and Pikachu too.

Me: You'll always be here, no doubt. And I've got something else to say about endings and beginnings - it goes like this:
Endings and beginnings are one and the same; the future remains unwritten.
Goh: That's deep, but it makes sense. We might never end - we might just always begin.

Ash: Who knows? Something could start right now!

Pikachu: Pi pika? ["You think?"]

Ash: Yeah!

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["OK!"]

Me: One thing's for sure: I can't stop liking Pokémon. It's like, why should I even try?

Ash: We're always here, by your side.

Me: I never wanted to say goodbye...

Goh: In a way, neither did I.

Me: Well, we're always here, even if the world keeps changing its mind about us.

Ash, Goh: Of course!

Me: You know, that last bit sounded musical - and I'll have a few thoughts like that soon. For now, we can end here... and we'll begin again sometime.

One year ago: I'm a Legend!
Four years ago: Only Women Like You
Five years ago: Pokémon Conversations
Seven years ago: My Pokémon Anime Epoch

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