Sunday, December 31, 2023

Seven Years with Usage of Field Moves

It took some time, but now with this post, I have completed seven years of Pokémon blogging. In that time, a variety of things have happened, much like the variety of Pokémon and their moves. And one kind of those moves is "field moves", the (concept of the) moves that Pokémon use outside of battle to do or achieve some great things. It's a fascinating mechanic, and as I've thought about it, it makes sense in some ways for explaining how Pokémon things went for me and others this year.

Some field moves allow Trainers and the Pokémon that use them to bust through (or at the least cast aside) obstacles, like Cut for trees, Strength for boulders, and Rock Smash for large stones. Such clearing or casting aside may be taken to represent similar processes conducted by Trainers for the same obstacles that every now and then pop up in the games, of which there is now a good multitude of them, if the games in the current competitive pantheon (main series VGC, TCG, Go PvP, and Unite) are of any indication. As noted in previous posts, especially for the latter three, a good deal of challenges and other similarly challenging matters have occurred during this past year, and they've served as obstacles - a mix of the trees, boulders, and large stones - to be busted or cast aside. I might be considered to have had my own challenges in creatively expressing my appreciation of Pokémon in different places this year, but I was able to bust or clear most of them (and even get an award), so this line of reasoning fits my personal situation as well.

Other field moves allow Pokémon and thus their Trainers to go beyond or move from their current locations, like Fly to go through the air, Surf to go across water, and even Teleport to go back to certain previously visited locations. The new main series games of Scarlet and Violet did just that, flying high with its own expansion pack, while Café Remix and Masters EX continued to make waves with their additions. Meanwhile, the anime (and manga) has done a good job of teleporting viewers and readers as well as their characters across regions, and they'll continue to do so even with any changes to the world of Pokémon, and that should be considered significant. Other Trainers and I will surely find ways to remain delighted, whatever may happen with these and the above.

Meanwhile, this blog could be said to encapsulate representations of the field moves that I or even anyone related to Pokémon have executed over this year and all of the past years, certainly in relation to the Pokémon that they might represent and use. They may or may not be the actual field moves that the Pokémon use - they may even be a bit abstract, depending on one's views - but the moves may just be evident.

Although the mechanic or concept of field moves have been deemphasized in this day and age, at least in the games, it should come as a reminder that if Pokémon do exist, their moves are still moves that are usable in any context without them necessarily being labeled as "field moves", and that may just explain the reason for the removed emphasis in recent games. So, while there may be less of a concept, even now there is still quite a bit of philosophy to speak of, as above. And all of that becomes pertinent in the closing moments of this year, for myself and all other Pokémon happenings.

With Pokémon, there are always moves to be considered; it's what they do naturally to make themselves work for themselves and against others. And if some of those moves are executed on the field to make their way, then that is a fulfillment of their natural existence. Great Trainers should be able to take advantage of this situation.

Even as a year comes to an end and a new year dawns, there are still field moves to be used and executed, somehow. Cheers for making our ways! 👆

Five years ago: Two Years of Evolution

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