Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Seeing "The Whole" with Pokémon

For many things in life, "the whole" is an important aspect. It represents the consummate understanding of the smaller things that pertain to a larger thing. If anything, this last bit rings true for Pokémon, as nowadays it is comprised of many different things that make up a larger thing, in this case the franchise itself. Therefore, there is the imperative to try to determine (and thus see) what makes up "the whole" of Pokémon from all the things that it has. The task of doing so may not be an easy matter.

However, it helps to have some insights, even some imaginative ones. Some of those I had "borrowed" in a post I made nearly six years ago from my other "roots". It was then that I outlined a certain principle that is made out of three sub-principles by illustrating them with Pokémon elements. That certain principle is in fact "the whole" of things in that all of them is needed. What this means for Pokémon is that the elements are needed to balance the world, and that everything about the franchise has a purpose to appeal to fans.

Meanwhile, some people talk about not "missing the forest for the trees", which for fans might conjure images of popular Pokémon forests, like Viridian Forest. In a figurative sense, the expression means to get bogged down in details and not to see the bigger picture. In a literal sense, it might mean getting lost in the thicket of trees and grass that the Viridian Forest has and not finding a way out. This would be reflected overall for Pokémon in the sense that all the specific elements of the franchise tie into the larger franchise itself.

By the elements of the insights above, "the whole" of Pokémon may be considered to lie in its species, what they were then and how they have become. They serve their purposes in their world, bringing a balance to all aspects, which includes the very battles they partake in. But they also serve their purposes in a variety of roles as the rest of the franchise demonstrates, appealing to fans in different and not just technically superior ways. The multitude of manifestations and relationships becomes the illustration of "the whole".

While it might be a little speculative and imaginative to consider what "the whole" means for Pokémon and to see that, ultimately it's another quest to achieve understanding. And that is what people do, even in the very world that makes up Pokémon: they seek understanding and project that amongst others - and if Pokémon species have anything to say, that may be what they are doing among their kinds as well. That should be sufficient to illustrate that many (Pokémon) things do ride on knowing and seeing "the whole".

Two years ago: Glacial Scaling
Three years ago: Go Beyond... Features

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