Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Increased Irrelevance in Café Remix?

Earlier, I had discussed that the main order stages or puzzles in Café Remix are nearing its end, to be capped at #2400. The ultimate consequence is that they are accordingly becoming irrelevant for those who are about to complete them. Yet it seems that other things or aspects in the game are becoming (increasingly) irrelevant as well, whether or not they are a consequence of this limitation, as I had brought up in the discussion. Now it is apparent that some of those things need to be discussed.

As noted previously, Heaping Helping Tickets seem to be one of those aspects, as with no more main orders, they effectively cannot be used, particularly to gain affection hearts or cookies. Meanwhile, recently introduced level uncapping items seem to make the process less relevant for spending Golden Acorns to do so, at least for those who have already used them for many other Pokémon. Speaking of, so-called "appreciation" events that demand spending of Golden Acorns have also been absent for a long time, which is another aspect of irrelevance. That seems to proceed in a chain along the aspects.

Then there's the Menu Development feature, which was last used to introduce a new Pokémon and menu item a long time ago; new Pokémon since then have mostly been gotten from events rather than this feature, making it irrelevant. This is also a likely consequence of main orders becoming limited, as those Pokémon would need to gain hearts and cookies through main orders - understandably so as above. The possibility of remaking the feature, while present, could be rather difficult, in a way further adding irrelevance. Time may have to tell if this feature can "develop" itself.

It also seems prudent to ask, with all of this apparent irrelevance, regarding whether the game itself is becoming irrelevant. It's been a few years since the game's existence, both under the previous incarnation of Café Mix and under its current incarnation. Many players on my team have come and gone, many due to no longer logging in for 30 days, indicating that the game may very well have become irrelevant for them. If that may be the case on a larger scale beyond that of my team, then the irrelevance may be evident after all, and some things may need to be done to keep it relevant, even temporarily.

Notwithstanding all the apparent irrelevance, Café Remix remains an addictive Pokémon game, as I can personally attest even now. Still, with the way some features have been presented or "un-presented", in particular the previously discussed main orders and the cap placed on them, relevance becomes called into question for some of those features. Other than that, the game still fits in with current Pokémon happenings, and that may be just enough reason to consider it relevant and to make the effort to keep it that way.

Two years ago: Using the Master Ball
Four years ago: Sword and Shield Uptake
Five years ago: Much Ado About Figures

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