Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Much Ado About Figures

A long time ago, when I first discussed about figures with a particular example of what I have, I stated that I am not a fervent collector of figures. Since then, I've either added to my collection or discussed about figures that I already possessed, and even joined groups about them. However, I still consider myself not a fervent collector of figures, even Pokémon ones. This is something that is (or has become) apparent for several reasons.

A primary determinant is cost. Many of the Pokémon figures or figure-like objects that I've collected are relatively cheap or even are the result of some lucky breaks. As much as I'd like to devote prodigious amounts of cash on figures, it's something that I'm not keen on doing just yet; in my view, there are other Pokémon things - or even just other things - that need my current attention. I've seen just how much some of these figures can go for, based on a discussion after the convention a week and a half ago, and I balk at the costs to get quite a few of them. At those prices, I'd rather try for other Pokémon items, and this would satisfy my all-around nature in being a Pokémon fan, though of course figures still factor into this.

Another determinant is space. In that first exemplar, I mentioned that I don't have a display space... and I still don't today. If I did, I'd probably have written about it in a different post on this blog. To that effect, for the few figures with packaging that I have, they still remain in their packages, which for now is still an effective display. Those with less attractive packaging have been put on display in some manner, though this may not be as effective as I'd like it to be. Eventually and ultimately, I'd like to display all my figures and Pokémon things somehow; the alternatives are something that I have to ponder as I go along.

Though I may not be fervent in the collecting aspect of figures, I am a fervent Pokémon fan, and that makes me fervent about different aspects of its figures. Style is something that I like to see in different figures, and I'm enthusiastic about seeing new styles and appearances of figures. Closely related to style is size, and it is nice to see how Pokémon can be adapted to figure form in different sizes. Certainly with hundreds of different Pokémon, I can conceptualize or imagine how some might be realized in figure form, including those that rarely become figures. All of these aspects are appreciable.

Collecting Pokémon figures is not exactly I'm deeply into, but despite that, I still collect some of them. As I am a Pokémon fan at heart, I still like them for what they are: a realization of Pokémon into a physical form. At present, space and cost become physical constraints, but in my mind, these figures still have room to play. The only thing left to do is to be able to physically make this a reality.

One year ago: The Rainbow Feather of Ho-Oh

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